Chapter 35

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The four-hour drive to Oswego felt like eight. For the majority of the ride, Jason and I didn't utter so much as a peep. The only sounds surrounding us were mumbling music from the low playing radio and the tires cruising down the tarp road. I refused to be the one to break the silence and potentially stir up a meltdown.

As the evening hours passed one by one, the sun began to set. My eyes fixated on the beautiful red and orange hues in an attempt to distract myself from the uncomfortable situation I remained trapped in.

It was nearing seven o'clock when my parents planned on having my dad's birthday dinner. We were likely going to make it without a second to spare after our slight delay earlier.

I sighed out of relief when Jason turned into my neighborhood, signaling the end of what had been one of the most uncomfortable rides of my life. The greenery of the large oak trees and colorful flowers that stood beautifully outside of the homes filled me with a sense of comfort as I knew I was home.

Moments later, we pulled up to my red brick house. My parents were sitting outside on the porch in old white rockers, waiting for our arrival. My dad was taking a sip of his beer as he watched us pull in, nearly dropping it from excitement as he shot up from his seat.

My mom came rushing down the grey cement steps, opening my door and nearly yanking me into her arms. I couldn't contain my laughter as I wrapped my arms tightly around my mom's petite frame. The familiar scent of her Chanel perfume brought me right back to my happy place with every inhale. It was the scent she wore my entire childhood up until this day. A smell I would always associate with my mother, with home.

"Oh honey, we're so happy you made it. You're just in time for dinner." She beamed, holding me back at arm's length to get a good look at me. "You're starting to finally look more like an adult and less like a teenager." She joked as I rolled my eyes.

"Princess?!" My dad called out from behind my mom, his arms open and ready for a hug.

"Daddy! Happy birthday!" I cheered, diving into his arms and kissing his cheek.

"Thank you, princess. I missed you so much. How have you been, and where's that boy of yours?"

"Right here Sir, it's a pleasure to meet you in person finally." Jason smiled, shaking my dad's hand. "Happy birthday."

Jason offered his hand to my dad, which he took immediately, giving a firm shake. "It's great to finally meet you in the flesh, Jason! Welcome to our home."

"Thank you. I'm so happy to be here and meet you both." Jason stated warmly, embracing my mother in a hug. "It's so good to see you, Mrs. Owens."

"It's so good to see you too, sweet boy! You must be starving! Dinner is about ready." My mom cheered. "Your dad was just finishing up the steaks...I told him not to be cooking on his birthday, but he insisted."

"Of course he did." I chuckled, shaking my head. My dad loved to cook, and he also loved his steaks done his way. I'd be lying if I said they weren't incredible.

"Well, Jason let me help you take the luggage inside, and then you can come and help me finish on the grill. Maybe I'll tell you my secret." My dad winked, walking back to the truck with Jason.

My mom linked arms with me as we began to walk toward the house. "The house always feels better when you're home, Livy." She cheesed as we entered the foyer.

It looked like it always did since I was about eight years old. Chestnut Wood floors, cream-colored walls, and the same old vintage rug ran up the staircase. Our family pictures were hung up in the same places they'd always been.

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