Chapter 69

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Aeri's angry tone of voice echoed like a roaring thunder to the whole place while carrying Ferish in her arms. It was full of authority as if anyone who will not obey deserved to be severely punished.

Ferish passed out. I saw her. She was bleeding so bad and I merely watched her pain but I could already feel the agony in every fiber of my being. Her pain is mine to feel. She is covered in bruises and wounds all over her body. She was beaten up... and the pain I felt from that day seemed to worsen.

My body automatically gave way to let them bring Ferish into the hospital. Aeri is with McKinley. I was left standing there like a fool who cannot process what has been happening. Everything is difficult to digest because... I saw her in severe pain but I only stood there, unable to do something for her. There was a feeling of regret that makes me tremble because I knew that I should have done something, anything, for her.

I couldn't comprehend... the emotions are everywhere and it feels like I cannot understand anything. I am being overwhelmed with confusion, frustration, emptiness, and creeping pain. Those emotions are the deadly poison that will undoubtedly kill me.

Why does everything has to come this way? Who hurt her?

W-why is she hurt?

What's with that thing in her chest?

Countless questions are circulating inside my mind, but I can't find any answer because it is with me; only I can answer those questions.

I saw it there, the familiar-looking device. There was a symbol, but there was also a device attached to her chest. Sira na 'yon. It was really broken and I think that it's the reason of her pain.

Bilog iyon na mukhang gawa sa bakal. It has a fading red light.

Is Ferish... living with an artificial heart? That is why her heart is weak. That is why she told me that she is sick. It was broken.

My knees are trembling out of weakness because the sight of her and the realizations crashing through my mind drained the little energy the I have left.

I cannot describe the feeling well. I feel so lost, which is something that I fear most because it was something that I have loathed for so long. I never want to be lost again, but right now, I am. Not lost in the darkness like I used to... but lost to the blinding light.

The emptiness is embracing me like it has desperately long for me---to drag me back into the place I suffered so much from. I couldn't feel anything but frustration. Nalilito ako. Hindi ko alam ang dapat na gawin. I am trying to contain everything inside... but the crack violently grew that the emotions are automatically pouring in hideous ways.

There was a desperate feeling inside that it should've been me who holds her and not anyone else.

I am worried. I am certain... that she was badly hurt. Gods, why does this have to happen to her? Why did they hurt her? Is it my fault as well? A-am I... the very reason for all the pain she's feeling?

I gulped. I swallowed the huge lump in my throat and breathed shakily. My heart keeps on clenching in familiar pain. My head is aching from all the stress. Natulala ako sa kawalan. Namalayan ko na lang na nasa tabi ko na sila Tori at Lexi. They look so worried over me.

Seeing Ferish hurt that bad... hurts me as well. My gosh... my baby... why do they have to hurt her in that way? I didn't want any of this to happen. I never want it. I... no longer know what to do.

"T-tori," I mustered my energy to call her name, on the verge of breaking down. She was quick to hug me, giving me the arms that I needed to lean on. I didn't mind if I am not used to physical touch with people, but I really need someone to hold onto right now because if not, I will crumble like a pitiful soul. "S-she's hurt... it's my fault," I whispered the last part.

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