You Brat (5)

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It was an average day at Musutafu Hospital. People were milling around in the lobby and patients sat in the waiting room. Other staff bustled around the corridors going from floor to floor.

    The receptionist had seen her fair share of interesting people at the hospital, but the striking blonde woman shoving open the glass door was something else entirely.

    Heads turned to the sound of clacking heels against the hospital tiles. A woman with sharp spiky blonde hair walked briskly down the corridor, each of her steps holding purpose. Her black dress suit's coat flapping around her shoulders.

    The blondie stood tall and fierce, her face acuted with high cheekbones and well-placed curves hugging her figure. She stopped in front of the receptionist's desk and a hand struck down onto the desk.

    The black sunglasses perched on the bridge of the woman's nose angled down, as fiery crimson eyes peeked out.

And then she spoke.


Mitsuki burst into the hospital, seething in rage. She had gone miles above the speed limit and had arrived at the hospital in less than 10 minutes. 

'Damn, I should calm myself down. Nobodies gonna explain shit to me then.' Mitsuki took a deep breath then straightened out her posture before walking in. Her heels clacking on the tiled floor as she took quick strides towards the receptionist's desk.

She strode up to the nervous woman sitting in the chair and lowered her glasses.

    "I'm here for Katsuki Bakugou, may I know his room number," Mitsuki spoke, her voice cold and hard. You could tell with the tone of her words that even though they were phrased politely it wasn't a request, it was an order.

    The receptionist nervously nodded, before vigorously typing something out on her computer. "He's in Room 232 and being treated by Doctor Tataki. May I ask your relationship with the patie-"

"His mother." The blondie cut the other off. "That's on Floor 2 right?"

"Yes!" The receptionist squeaked out.

Mitsuki barely nodded before swiftly turning and making her way to the elevator.

She got off at Floor 2 and followed the signs to where Room 232 was located. Mitsuki turned the downed corner when a fairly emptied corridor came into view. 

The woman knocked on the door of 232. No response.


Again there was no response.

She wrapped her hands around the doorknob, finding it unlocked, and pushed it open. What greeted Mitsuki was a barren bed that looked like it hadn't been used in weeks.

"What the?"

Mitsuki realized almost instantaneously something was wrong. 'Where is Katsuki? The receptionist seemed like she wouldn't lie.'

She swiftly turned around, going out into the corridor to find a nurse walking down.

"Excuse me," Mitsuki called out as the nurse halted.


"Do you know where the patient in Room 232 is?"

"Patient? What patient?" The nurse cocked her head in confusion. "There hasn't been anyone in that room for a few months now."

'What is going on?!'

"Thank you," Mitsuki replied but her eyes wore a grime look.

Mitsuki asked several other nurses but received the same response. 

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