You Brat (2)

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Bakugou landed with a thump. The inky mud dissolving as he coughed vigorously. The blondie dragged a hand across his mouth, wiping the bits of sludge off his face after steadying himself on his feet.

His gaze swept the area and landed on the fallen heroes.

"What the-"

Best Jeanist was barely conscious, blood oozing from his forehead, other pro-heroes lay scattered on the floor along with several police units.

Bakugou turned around, sharp eyes widening as he gazed at the man in front of him. No, that thing wasn't even human now. All for One stood imposingly, his arms crossed behind his back and a mask winding up his neck.

"My apologies, Bakugou," A haunting voice reverberated.


He took a tentative step back, tensing into a fighting stance. The rest of the villains had started appearing around the area, coughing and gurgling at the method of transportation.

'The heroes here have all been defeated by this guy?! Even Best Jeanist!'

"Argh, what was that Shigi!" Toga whined.

Bakugou scanned the area as All for One started talking to Shigaraki.

"Ah, Tomura...."

'Think, there are at least 6 villains here and I can't defeat all of them. The big black one must be the boss and ....' Bakugou could feel the power radiating off the man. The strength in his movements and the intensity of his aura. 'I don't stand a chance against him.'

The blondie powered up his quirk slowly to not draw any attention when a gust of wind knocked him backward.

'All Might!'


All Might had burst in, launching himself at the villain while throwing himself into the fray.

'He held All Might back with his bare hands! All for One is for sure the boss.' Bakugou thought, a grim look coating his expression.

Blows issued from the two powerhouses. All Might dodging blasts of power as he threw punches of his own.

Bakugou had scrambled to his feet now, but so had the rest of the villains. They had been keeping a close eye on him to see if he would make a move. He growled in frustration when All for One turned towards Shigaraki.

"Get off the battlefield Tomura, and take that... child with you."

All for One struck a hand out, glowing red black wires piercing Kurogiri. The unconscious villain pulsed before a warp gate flared to life. The boss villain was pulled back into the fight as All Might struck again.

"Let's go Shigaraki," Compress said.

'Shit, if they catch me now it would become a fuck ton harder to escape. Who knows if the pros will be able to make it again,' Bakugou grinned. 'Well, then I just gotta get out right now.'

"This is going to be fun," the blondie declared as the scent of burning caramel filled the air.

Veering his attention to the villains in front sparks crackled from his palms. Twice charged at him and swung wildly as Bakugou pulsed a blast from his palms, dodging the attack. Toga came at him next, her knives glinting as she slashed and twirled.

'These guys know I'm screwed. It's six-against-one and they're willing to drag me out of here with force.'

All Might had charged towards Bakugou again, but All for One blocked his attack. The fighting issued between the two.

Bakugou AngstsWhere stories live. Discover now