Frenzied (5)

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Bakugou stood, crossing his arms.

Shinsou was in front of him, the two a few feet apart.

They were in the small alley between two dorms. Hedges covered the area.

It wasn't a well-known spot; sometimes used for small talk or couples deciding to get frisky. Bakugou had accidentally stumbled upon it, and it seemed Shinsou had, too.

Bakugou glared at Shinsou, but the other didn't meet his eyes, instead of fumbling with the hem of his uniform.

"So?", Bakugou questioned roughly, his tone icy. He already had an idea of why Shinsou called him here, but he waited for the purplette to answer. "The fuck did you bring me here for?"

Shinsou looked directly into Bakugou's eyes, his perturbed violet ones meeting up with Bakugou's calm crimson orbs. But it only lasted for a split second as Shinsou's head sunk down, in a deep bow.

"I'm sorry!" Shinsou shouted.

"What? You too embarrassed to do it in front of everyone?" Bakugou sneered.

"No..." Shinsou trailed off. "I asked Kirishima, and he said you'd probably be more comfortable with an apology like this."

Bakugou knew Shinsou had asked Kirishima about the whole apology, but really knowing how much Kirishima understood him, warmed his heart a little.

"Yeah... he was right" Bakugou paused another thick silence coated with tension issued between the two. "But I'm not going to lie and say what you did was okay."

Shinsou sucked in a breath, bowing lower if that was possible. "I'm really sorry!"

Bakugou sighed, bringing a hand up to rub his forehead. "For fucks sake, get up. You're practically doing the downward dog. You're apologizing to me, not doing some fucking Yoga. Join the neighborhood Mom's association for that shit."

Shinsou instantly shot up. A light blush dusting his cheeks in embarrassment.

"Sorry..." He mumbled again. "I really am, I was mad at you back there. About how you were acting and destroying the TV. You reminded me of the kids back at my Junior High..."

Bakugou stiffened at the mention of Shinosu's Junior High. Shinsou was right about one thing, Bakugou was like whoever Shinsou was faced against in Junior High. Although he was changing, the blondie remembered his days of bullying Deku. He winced at the memory, but Shinsou didn't seem to notice.

The purplette trailed off, averting his eyes from Bakugou's, but he continued. "I actually didn't know that you were under my quirk. I did it unconsciously, and after I stopped the effects of it you were under some kind of trance. I know this is no excuse for my actions though, but I really do apologize."

"It wasn't very hero-like of you to do that."

It was Shinsou's turn to wince this time. "I know, using my quirk without permission, unconsciously or not, wasn't anywhere near hero-like. I shouldn't have done that and should have had better control of my quirk. I will make it up in any way possible. I'm really sorry."

"Stop with the apologies, I get it."

Bakugou fixed Shinsou with a hard look. But he did have some sympathy for the other boy. 'This is as an apology to Deku, the nerd fucking cherishes this mind-controlling bastard.' The blondie thought. He owed it to the greenette, after what he had put Midoriya through during junior high.

"I forgive you."


"I said I forgive you! Don't make me repeat it twice, bastard! As for making up to me, just train harder so you can actually control your quirk."

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