Bloom in My Heart (7)

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Thank you snarky_blonde for beta reading this. SHOW THIS AMAZING HUMAN LOVE! <3

Mina shot a worried glance at Bakugou as he poked glumly at his food. She'd noticed something was up with the fiery blondie and Mina was genuinely concerned for him.

Mina stared at his departing figure as Bakugou left without touching his food -again. The pinkette sighed at Sero and Kaminari bickering before getting up.

"I need to go to the bathroom too."

"Suwe Minwa!" Kirishima called while still chewing on his food.

The girl's footsteps echoed through the hallway as she looked around wondering where Bakugou went. She just wanted to make sure he was okay.

Turning down another hallway, Mina continued her way to the nearest bathroom where she figured Bakugou would be. The corridor came into view and Mina's eyes widened in shock at what lay before her.

A shrill scream pierced the air dropping from Mina's lips as she drank in the scene. Bakugou was sprawled in a pool of blood and petals, unconscious.



Todoroki sighed wondering why Midoriya wanted to meet him alone at lunch. The greenette had told him it was important and curiosity piqued Todoroki at what the other had to say.

Todoroki pulled open the spare room door, looking around before a figure caught his eye.

Stepping inside he called out.

"So Midoriya what did you want to tell me?"

The dual-haired boy walked toward Midoriya stopping in front of him, staring questioningly at the other's fidgeting form. An eyebrow quirked up as the silence ensued.

"So....." Todoroki started.

More silence.

"T-todoroki! Uh... I-I, umm... I like you!" Midoriya burst out glancing down at the floor, fidgeting with the hem of his uniform.

'What. The. Actual. FUCK!'

Midoriya looked up and Todoroki caught the greenette's eye.

'Midoriya, likes me? What!?'

Confusion reeled through, but as Todoroki gazed at the greenette, he didn't feel the familiar pounding in his heart nor a fuzzy feeling in his chest.

Staring into those shining green orbs filled with anticipation, hesitance, and maybe a hint of hope, Todoroki couldn't help but compare those nervous features to the confident one of Bakugou's.

The dual-haired boy remembered the unfazeable grin Bakugou held and those determined crimson eyes that sparkled in pride. He remembered the rare soft smiles Bakugou would give. He remembered the rambunctious chuckles that rang through and the powerful explosions that could chill you to your very core.

Todoroki liked Midoriya, but...not like this. Midoriya was his friend, nothing more and nothing less.

"S-" orry.

A sharp cry cut through the air piercing Todoroki's ear as his head snapped to the side turning towards the noise.


'What happened to Bakugou!?'

Todoroki's feet pounded against the floor as he wrenched the door the rest of the way open. The confession was long forgotten from the panic and confusion hurling through him.

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