Hero Too (4)

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 Bakugou stood outside of Class 1-A, his hands clenching and unclenching in his pockets. He sighed, dreading the moment of passing through the looming doors. The blonde had felt the stares of his classmates when he was coming to school today.

Ever since they saw Deku's memories the glances and whispers of 1-A followed him everywhere as if he would go berserk any moment. And Bakugou was sick of it.

Bakugou groaned, stealing his nerves as he wrenched open the door. This wasn't enough to stop him, he was going to become a hero.


Bakugou slumped on his desk as Aizawa continued to drone on. Sure, he was thankful some of the students treated him normally -not like a caged beast. But over half the class gave him sideways glances through the corners of their eyes, fuck they were all acting like Deku's.

When lunch rolled around, Bakugou felt another pair of wary eyes on him and he had enough. The hero-in-training pushed his chair back, his lips parting to speak, but just as he started to tell them off a cold voice holding a hint of irritation cut through.

"Don't you all think you're being too much?" the dual haired boy rebuked. "Just because you saw some memories of his past doesn't mean it changes who he is now. Bakugou is the same as he was yesterday, so stop with this childish nonsense. You're all going to be heroes soon."

"You tell 'em Todobro!" a shout echoed from the back.

The class quieted down after Todoroki's reprimanding, while the members of the Bakusquad agreed furiously. But the said crimson eyed boy sat confused at why the Todoroki Shouto would lecture the class about him.

Class continued as Bakugou still contemplated the reason why the ice user had defended him. He stole a curious glance behind him to where the boy sat when Bakugou caught his eye.

The heroes' in training gazed at each other, their eyes locked when Bakugou furiously turned away with a 'tch', and a small smile lay, playing upon Todoroki's lips.

Class dragged into its final hours when Bakugou stole another quick glance at Todoroki, but this time when their eyes locked Bakugou didn't hide his face. A light blush dusting his cheeks and the blondie gave a quick grin, his eyes crinkling. A grin that would have been mistaken as a haughty smirk but Todoroki could see the gratitude in his eyes. And he responded with a soft smile of his own.


Days had passed and the subtle changes in Class 1-A were blatant. Everyone could see it. The students had gotten closer together just as the staff of UA had predicted.

Especially a not so subtle pair.

Bakugou and Todoroki weren't the closest of students, to begin with, but after the curious incident with Todoroki telling the class to lay off Bakugou, they could see the grunts of acknowledgments that he gave Todoroki whenever they saw each other.

 The way they greeted each other in hallways with short nods and smirks or taps on each other's desk when they passed each other in class. Or even the way Bakugou would yell at Todoroki throughout the day playfully -or not so. (They never actually knew). 

It would suffice to say the boys were more than what they were at the sports festival, they could now even be called as sorta friends. In their own way of course.

Not only had this pair's bond grew, but the rest of the class had also made new friends as more and more memories swirled in.

Jirou's struggles to choose whether to become a hero or a musician, Koda saving an injured dog and uncovering an animal abuse center, Uraraka and her family scraping by with money, Aoyama and his struggles with his quirk. The class's memories and pasts had become one with their everyday life. They were almost like a.... family.

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