You Brat (1)

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Time Period: During the Kidnapping


    Bakugou's head snapped back as a fist collided with his jaw.

    "Join us"

    The blondie gave labored breaths sagging at his restraints.

    "Fuck you!" The sound of slaps echoed through the room, as Mr.Compress sniffed in disgust at the blondie. Magne was in front of Bakugou delivering blow after blow.

    More curses issued through and soon the villains turned to leave the chained boy. Bakugou panted against the metal, purples bruises forming on his skin.

The blondie had been kidnapped by the League of Villains and Bakugou had remembered all too well the cold hand encircling his neck as he sunk into the inky portal.


"Stay back Deku"

    The first two days had been relatively uneventful, apart from the fact he had been kidnapped. Shigaraki and his minions had relentlessly battered him to join the League while giving various excuses as to why, but they had soon gotten tired of the one-sided conversations which ended in "Fuck off." 

    Then it became physical. The chains had already been placed since Day One but now he didn't get any water nor food. The punches and kicks had become regular as if to say "Join us, or we'll hurt you". 

    It was now the 4th day of his abduction, but Bakugou's mind hadn't wavered one bit. The cocky smirk was still plastered across his face, even with the bruises decorating his skin.




"As if"


"I'd ever join"


"Fucking wannabes like you"


Bakugou spit out, his lip now busted. That's when Shigaraki put a hand up. "That's enough, we can't treat new members so harshly mmh?"


_ _

Daylight had filtered into the quiet darkness of the night. Most of the villains had filtered out of the bar but they had made sure to keep one of them on guard duty. Although Bakugou didn't know why, he was chained to a chair and his hands were bound, there was no way he could escape with that weighing the blondie down. 

It was Dabi's turn that night. Unlike Mr. Compress or Spinner, Dabi was a talkative one or at least an insulter.

Dabi sat on a bar stool glaring at Bakugou who scowled back just as fiercely, if not more.

"I don't know what Shigaraki was thinking by bringing a brat like you here." Dabi sighed, running a hand through his hair. His piercing's glinting in the dim bar light. "A kid from that damn Hero Course would be of no use. For fucks sake what would you have to offer!? Some nasty curses?" Dabi did a once over of Bakugou, before sneering.

"Well, at least you act the part of a villain."  Bakugou snorted at this, he'd had enough of Dabi mouthing off on heroes.

"So if I act like a villain and you guys are villains... I didn't know the League was trying to become the Number One hero? Pfft- I'd have crushed you fucking losers either way."

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