Hero Too (1)

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Y'all who are here before reading the intro, go read the damn introduction. ReAd iT


Time Period: Sometime after Bakugou's kidnapping. Everyone's gotten dorms already.


Bakugou groaned as his bleary eyes focused in on his room's ceiling. He dragged himself out of bed, stumbling as his knee jarred in pain. "Fuck." Bakugou made his way to the bathroom, closing the door softly. Slowly, he stripped off his tank top and sweats, now only in his boxers. Bakugou turned towards the bathroom mirror as his toned body littered with bruises came into view. Gripping the edges of the sink, he stared back at his tired face.

"Dammit, the old hag overdid it again." He sighed as he reached a hand towards the cabinet to cover his bruises and bags with concealer.


Bakugou made his way into the classroom and gave a grunt of acknowledgment towards the few classmates that came earlier than him. He plopped onto his seat putting his feet on his desk and leaning his head back, closing his eyes.

"BAKUGOU! This is not acceptable, as an esteemed student of the hero course you should show proper manners by keeping your feet on the ground!" Iida ordered his arms waving.

"Tch" Bakugou was in no mood to deal with Iida's crap right now. His whole body ached more than usual and he just wanted the class to start so the extras' bullshit would end.

Iida soon sat down having to stop mid-way in his lecture, not that anyone was complaining, as Aizawa arrived.

"Okay, for class today..."

Bakugou tuned in and out of class the whole day and dragged himself to lunch. Before he knew it school was in its last hour. Bakugou turned back as Aizawa seemed to be explaining something important.

    "In light of recent events at UA as you must all know, we have decided to take emergency precautions." Aizawa gave a knowing look as murmurs rippled across the classroom.

Of course, Bakugou knew what the 'recent events' were. Toga and Twice had infiltrated UA and gotten valuable info from the staff on the next transportation mission. They had barely just gotten away, but UA had sent the students home that week and Mitsuki was pissed, that says for the least.

"I've sent you all with permission slips home on Friday, it seems everyone has turned into Iida at the beginning of class." Bakugou vaguely remembered Iida yelling at everyone to give the forms and Bakugou handing in his form with the faked signature he scribbled at the start class.

"The forms as you all must have read, informed that the UA staff has decided that the main reason why no one seemed to figure out the villains were mixed among us was because of the lack of a deep emotional bond we have between each other. The support course has designed a machine that correlates your memories and projects them. Each of the students will be asked to show all their memories to the whole class. "  The buzz started to get louder as panicked voices rippled through.

    Bakugou's eyes widened as he took in the information. 'Shit. I didn't read the form. I only got the bit where it said parent signature and will be held from going to existing classes if the form wasn't signed. Fuck I shouldn't have signed it' He thought, his hands clenching under the desk. 

"Quiet!" Aizawa glared, before continuing to drone on. "As I was saying, your memories will be shown to the whole class BUT we will be able to skip through a few personal memories and your memories will be fast-forwarded. The memories shown will be significant pieces of your lives. According to the support course, the device picks up the neurotic signatures in your mind at the scene, so some moments will come off deeper and emotional while less important moments will be breezed through. Remember we won't be going to the dorms until everyone has had shown their memories."

"The memories will be condensed into about 45 to an hour and 30 minutes. So we'll get to see key events and build deeper trust. Where your memories start from will also depend on how good your memory is, so if you remember events from when you're 3 go for it. But the average age we would start seeing your memories would be from 4 -7." Aizawa droned on explaining the process.

    When Aizawa's explanation came to an end, he was met with the silence of the students and varying degrees of emotions playing across their faces. Some of them were excited to see their classmate's memories while others wore panicked looks.

    Bakugou was among the ones who panicked the most -although he didn't show it. He wore his usual expression of anger and irritation, but inside his mind was in turmoil.

It can't be! If they know the old hag would kill me. Fuuuck. Calm down Katsuki. You won't need to show all your memories and let's just make up an excuse they hate you enough already they'll leave you alone. You can skip that day and give a half assed excuse. You gotta become a hero.

"-Midoriya was saying, will the machine be able to detect thoughts?" Aizawa gave a contemplating look before continuing. "No, it won't be able to see your thoughts since your thoughts aren't grafted into your memories like actions and dialogue. Adding onto that, you might recall dialogue or moments that may have been fuzzy since stimulant is inserted in your brain functionality to clear up foggy memories and events. I don't know all the details, so if you have more questions relating to the technical side of the whole machine ask the support course and Power Loader. To sum it up it's going to be a personal movie of each of your lives, just maybe not interesting."

Aizawa paused again to look for hands and Iida's hand shot up.

"Mr. Aizawa! Will we be looking at memories today and how often?" Aizawa took a long swing of his coffee on his desk, before continuing.

"Yes, we will be looking at one student's memories today and each day we will look at someone's memory. Iida since you asked why don't you go first?"

"Yes sir!"

Iida shot up out of his seat and made his way towards the device at the front of the room, and now that Bakugou thought of it, it was hard to miss. He sat down in the chair right next to it, while the device lay on top of Aizawa's desk.

"Mr.Aizawa, is this safe?"

"Yes, Uraraka it is, it's already been tested too on the staff."

Aizawa made his way towards Iida, hooking up plugs and punching a few buttons. He then secured a band across Iida's head while pricking a wire into his hand. Aizawa stepped back and grabbed something that vaguely resembles a remote and pressed a button on it.

The devices hummed and the band vibrated as Iida sunk into a relaxed pose, his arms falling limply to the side. A dreamy smile crept across Iida's usually stoic face.

"Is.... he okay?"

"He's fine, he's now relieving a memory again and it seems to have been a good one," Aizawa reassured him while crawling back into his sleeping bag.

The class's noisy chatter died down as the screen at the front of the class hummed to life. The static cleared up as Iida's first memories started playing.


ACK! That was short! I'll try posting longer updates ^^




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