Bloom in My Heart (5)

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   (A/N: For all the peeps here after the first upload, the second upload is the exact same thing expect I fixed some of the shit Wattpad decided to fuck up)

   UA had been closed for a week because of the kidnapping incident, and for the most part, Bakugou had lounged around the house or trained, while occasionally hacking up petals.

    Masaru and Mitsuki had come back that weekend but from the stern looks on their faces, Bakugou could tell that they would be leaving soon.  Disappointment washed over his face as Masaru walked past him with a stiff look.

    The blondie stood frozen as he watched them make their way upstairs. Minute passed by before, Bakugou was shaken out of his stupor by a loud ring from the phone.

    He walked over, answering the call.

    "Hello," the blondie grunted out.

    "Is this the Bakugou residence?" A familiar voice crackled through the phone.

    "Mr. Aizawa?"

    "Kid? Yeah, it's me. Can you give the call to your parents?"

    "They're busy"

    "Okay, then. Inform them that All Might and I are visiting the student's residences to discuss the matters regarding the kidnapping and the idea of dorms for safety. We'll be coming to your home at around 2 p.m."

    Bakugou merely hummed in response and grunted a bye before ending the call.

    He set the phone down on the receiver, groaning at the prospect of explaining this to his parents.


    The rushing of the shower could be heard as Bakugou yelled through the door.

    Mitsuki was taking a shower and the hero-in-training figured that this would be a good time to ask her without getting too severely yelled at.

    "OLD HAG!" he yelled over the sound of rushing water while thumping on the door.

    "WHAT, BRAT!"



    Bakugou knew this would be the answer, and honestly, it was better trying to convince one parent than two.

    The crimson-eyed boy turned down the corridor making his way to Masaru's study. Bakugou rapt on the door twice, before a curt voice resounded from inside the room.

    "Come in."

    Bakugou eased the door open, padding his way inside.

    "Hey, Dad."

    "Katsuki," Masaru looked up before going back to typing on his laptop.

    "So, uh, my teachers have something to say."


    "You know the whole incident with the kidnapping..." The kidnapping was a sore subject for the family, and Bakugou hesitated, pursing his lips, before continuing. "They want to discuss something with you guys about dorms and the safety of the students."

    Masaru sighed, finally looking away from the laptop and swiveling his chair around to face the boy. "Katsuki, you know that we're busy." The brunette looked up to meet his son's crimson eyes. "You're old enough to be responsible and make these decisions yourself."

    "But Dad! Mr. Aizawa said they're coming tomorrow at 2!"

    "I'm sorry I can't. I have a meeting to leave for then."

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