You Brat (6)

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Aizawa was tired.

Well, he was always tired but today more so than usual. The teacher had pulled another all-nighter and was buried under patrols, paperwork, and the whole kidnapping incident.

Aizawa had tried to get in contact multiple times with the police along with the hospital, to get an update on Bakugou's condition. All he'd been told was Bakugou was taken care of and getting the treatment he needed.

    Sure the noirette was a little skeptical at first, but when the police had assured him he had pulled back. Aizawa had faith in the police, after all, he was a hero and friends with several policemen like Tsukauchi.

    But when he'd gotten a call from the hospital at around 6 in the morning he knew something was very wrong.

    "Hello?" Aizawa said, answering the phone.

    " this the Pro-Hero Eraserhead?" A feminine voice on the line questioned


    "I'm calling from Masutafu hospital."


"You're listed as one of the emergency contacts for Katsuki Bakugou? You're also his homeroom teacher, right?" Aizawa hummed again, in response.

    "Good. We'd like you to immediately come to the hospital"

The pro-hero's tired tone changed, his voice now alert and calm.

    "What has happened?"

"We need to you to come quickly since a woman named Mitsuki Bakugou has entered unrestricted premises of the hospital"

'Mitsuki Bakugou, as in Bakugou's mother? What is she doing there? Has she gone to see Bakugou?'

"Excuse me? Why has she gone there?"

"She came to visit the patient Katsuki Bakugou, but has wandered off into restricted areas."

'That doesn't sound like something that the mother of a hero-in-training would do.' Aizawa thought. There was also the fact that Mitsuki was a model and had to consider her public image.

"I know the woman, she wouldn't do that for no reason. Why exactly is she in this 'restricted area' ?" he questioned.

" I-i don't know sir. I'm only the receptionist here. Ms.Bakugou came at around 5:50 in the morning and asked to see Katsuki Bakugou. She later came down claiming she couldn't find him in his assigned room. She was causing a scene when one of our nurses- Hina Nakamura, calmed her down. I thought it was over when security called and said she was down on the underground floors. 

Aizawa was at the front door now, throwing on his scarf and goggles while grabbing the rest of his hero gear. Nevertheless, he still inquired about the details.

"Why exactly are you calling me? As you said there are security guards there. Can they not tell her to go down there? And please do give me all the details and how she got there. I want nothing covered up. I am a pro-hero as you know."

"Of course sir! As you may or may not know Mitsuki Bakugou is quite famous. If our security guards forcibly escorted her out she could cause a huge scandal for the hospital." The receptionist answered from the other end of the line.

'Something seems fishy' Aizawa thought to himself before asking. "That doesn't explain how she got down there."

"Our nurse- Nakamura seems to have led her there. And a policeman who'd been asked to stay at the hospital suggested to call you over since you have the clearance along with a basis for contact with the patient."

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