Frenzied (2)

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Note: The italicized chunks of texts are flashbacks. Also shît will be cleared up in later chapters.


Bakugou never wanted to be here in the first place.

The class was packed together like sardines and Bakugou didn't enjoy the close contact nearly as much as the rest of them. In fact, he hated it.

But he did feel bad about ignoring Kirishima, Mina, and Sero. Those three, including Kaminari had been begging him for ages to join movie night. Bakugou had decided given in to their pleads just this once.

Albeit, it had been the wrong movie to yield to.


The blondie took labored breaths, trying to focus on anything but the TV screen.

But the sounds kept getting louder and the colors brighter.

The screams of the poor boy on the TV echoed through his ears. 'Stop it...' Bakugou whispered inside his head.

His limbs were jelly and nausea washed over him. His shaky hands clutched at his shirt. The said shirt that fitted loosely on him when the blondie put it on this morning, now dug into his skin. The constricting fabric rough against his body.

He took a gasping breath before digging his nails into his palm and biting his tongue harshly. The sharp pain and the metallic taste of blood bringing him back to reality.

Bakugou couldn't take it. His legs were still jelly and there was no way he could walk back to his dorm room in this state without anyone questioning him. And he can't look weak.

He shuddered at the thought of what would happen if everyone saw him panicked over a stupid movie.

He took a deep breath preparing himself to talk.

When Bakugou opened his mouth, his voice came out low and strong without a hint of the panic laced throughout his body.

"Turn it off"


"No" Shinsou's voice sounded from the left of Bakugou.

The blondie gritted his teeth. The horrid screams from the boy in the movie were still reverberating through the common room. He couldn't handle it anymore, he just couldn't.

'Make it stop, dammit!' His mind screamed out in frustration.

One side glance at Shinsou told Bakugou all he needed to know. Shinsou wasn't going to let up.

And neither was Bakugou.

The only thought in the blondie's mind was to stop the horrible screams and stopping the source was the best solution.

The remote was nowhere in sight and the last Bakugou had remembered seeing it was with Jirou, who was sprawled across a pillow pile somewhere across the cluster from him.

He didn't have the energy nor time to search for it.


Bakugou thrust his hand out launching an

The screaming cut off with an abrupt crash, but the blondie had visibly calmed down once the sound had stopped. Although the effects of the panic attack still clung to him.

He stood up ready to rush back to his dorm room when a yell stopped him.


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