Hero Too (3)

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Class the next day was almost the same as every other day. Almost. 1-A sat in tense anticipation throughout the day waiting for the last hour of class.

Finally, when Aizawa announced that they would begin the memories segment of class, excited whispers rippled through.

"Momo, it's your turn."

The class watched with rapt attention as Momo's memories whizzed through, and no matter how many times they saw Momo's home, even the kids who saw it before were still awed.

"Oh my, she had another ballroom?!"

"Look! Her room is twice the size of this classroom!"

"That's the only surprising thing you see? She has a pet ELEPHANT!"

Then it was over, sooner than they thought it would end at least. Even Bakugou was impressed by the sheer wealth and his mother was the CEO and model for one of the top fashion brands out there.


Bakugou closed his eyes as he filtered out the class's chatter. Today someone else would be forced to share their memories and he sure as hell didn't want to.

Aizawa came to the front of the class to announce who would be going next.



"You're next Bakugou." No, way! It was just the 3rd day he wasn't going to let his dream go down the drain this early in the game.

"No, I'm not going" He huffed as he crossed his arms sitting definitely. Aizawa sighed before he opened his mouth to continue talking, but a tentative voice cut him off.

"M-Mr.Aizawa, if K-kacchan doesn't want to, I can go instead of him. He can go sometime later." Bakugou heaved a sigh of relief as Midoriya volunteered. 'Dammit, now I owe this shitty nerd.'

"Okay, then Midoriya. Go up to the front"


Bakugou realized all too late that seeing Deku's memories might not have been the best thing to add to his rep, but anything was better than his memories.

That's when the wires started to hum and the screen started up.

The first memory that to play was one the Bakugou knew all too well. Deku, him, and a few other kids were playing heroes in the park with Bakugou being All Might.

"I AM HERE!" a tiny Bakugou cheered his right arm punching the air with a wide smile.

"C'mon Kacchan! We gotta defeat the villains!"

"CHARGE!!! Zuzu, you go right and I'll go left, then we'll surround them! Okay?"

"Yeah, Kaccahn! You're the best!" Izuku giggled gleefully gazing at Bakugou in admiration. Bakugou puffed up his chest in pride, grinning, then ruffled Midoriya's hair.

"I know I am Zuzu, that's we're going to be heroes together" the young boys cheered as they rushed ahead and the memory came to a close.

"ZUZU?!?" the class was shocked. They saw Bakugou, the angry pomeranian of the class, calling Midoriya- Zuzu.

"So Midoriya and Bakugou were good friends, kero?"

"Bakubro, why are you never this nice with us!"

The said ash-blonde ground his teeth as he glared at the curious onlookers. "SHUT UP, BASTARDS!"

But the change of perspective for Bakugou didn't last long when their attention was diverted back to the screen.

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