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Layla looked up at the two youngest and tried her best to stifle her laughter. Seokjin banged his head into the table over and over groaning as the other members full on laughed at their expense. It wasn't a shock to the other members except, Jin. He had no idea that was going on again, but the others did. They heard them the first time once they settled in from Japan. TaeKook weren't exactly as quiet as they thought they were.

"So that's what I heard early this morning, too," Jin groaned. "Just because we all live separately, doesn't mean these walls are thick. Or of they are, you are just too damn noisy."

Taehyung looked at Jin. "Not that I want to discuss anything like this at the table at this particular moment, but that wasn't us. We were watching Beastars until two am and we were out."

Layla felt Jimin tense and when she looked down, Jimins gaze was right on Yoongi. Yoongi showed no emotion at all. Jimin on the other hand, was beet red and chewing on his lip.

"Ah," Layla said making eye contact back and forth with the two. "Well isn't this interesting." She laughed out causing everyone to look at her.

"Oh Layla knows something," Hoseok said clapping his hands; His eyes wide and grin big. "Let me guess, let me guess.......Lil Meow Meow and Baby Mochi!"

"Oh for fucks sake, Hope-ah!" Yoongi laid his head down on the table, copying Jins head bang to a tee. "You all are too fucking nosey."

"This is great," Layla added, finally quieting her laughter. "This was definitely the best thing I've found out in the last two days."

Yoongi picked his head up and slightly smiled. "We've missed that sound."


"Your laugh."

Layla smiled at the comment. Yoongi's eyes shown nothing but the truth. She missed their laugh, too. Not to mention Jin's cooking either. She survived on takeout and maybe the occasional five star restaurant, but nothing...Nothing compared to Jin's cooking. And as if Jungkook read her mind, he looked over at his hyung, eyes wide and pleading.

"Jinnie Hyung, can you please fix us breakfast?" Jungkook used his signature pout to emphasize the point. "Please, hyung," Taehyung and Jimin said together, both doing pouts of their own.

"Fine," Jin said as his shoulder's slumped. "After we eat, you all clean up the mess and then we'll call Manager-nim to let him know that we are all okay with this." Jin turned his attention to Layla and sighed. "Are you sure you want to be here," he said slowly smiling.

"Of course I am," She said while standing up. "Need any help?"

Seokjin nodded his head. "Please?" Then he turned back to the other boys sitting at the table. He could tell they were all so happy and that was the one thing he was so glad about. Maybe there wouldn't be another shit storm coming and they can all get the happiness and relaxation they deserved. "Don't mess up my house. You all want to make a mess? Go to your own apartments and yes, I'm talking specifically to you Namjoon. Stay away from my glass coffee table."

Namjoon put his hands up in surrender. "Okay, Hyung. I'll sit right here."

Layla laughed and made her way into the kitchen behind Jin. "He's still clumsy?"

"His name is Kim Namjoon, isn't it,"Seokjin laughed while opening the fridge. "Pancakes and eggs sound okay? That's basically all I have that I know is enough to feed everyone."

Layla nodded her head. "That's fine. You don't have anyone over?"

Jin sighed. "Not really. We've all been separated over the last two years. Yoongi went back to Daegu, Jimin stayed at the dorms with Hoseok, Namjoon and I lived together for a little bit, but then he got his own little place until Yoongi came back and Taehyung and Jungkook went back to their parents for a while. I think over the last few months or so we've all kind of started to come back together."

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