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Layla was snuggled into her white plush robe as she fell onto the silk sheets of her hotel bed. Over the last few days she had been pampered, massaged and just all around felt recharged. She knew nothing could ever wreck the way she was feeling.

Her phone chimed, signaling a text message. She rolled over onto her side and grunted as she grabbed her phone, quickly unlocking it. A smile grew on her face as she was greeted with the eyes of the guy she missed so much.

*I miss you, Layla*

LaylaLee🌼: I miss you too, Namjoonie❤

NamJ🐨: I wish I could hear your voice.
NamJ🐨: I've been becoming distracted since you're not here.

LaylaLee🌼: I'll send you a little something so you'll do better. Promise me that you'll not be distracted anymore tonight.

NamJ🐨: Promise🤞🏻💜

*You'll be rewarded if you concentrate🥰*

NamJ🐨: Okay I lied.
NamJ🐨: Definitely can't concentrate.
NamJ🐨: Please come home. 😭

Layla giggled to herself before dialing Namjoons number. He answered on the second ring; his husky voice coming over the line.

"Please tell me you want me to come pick you up." He chuckled and then sighed. "I need an extended break right now."

"Namjoon, what's wrong?" She asked while picking up on the tone of his voice. "You sound.....off."

Namjoon sighed and stayed silent for a moment. Layla was nervous that Namjoon was hiding something and she didnt like feeling that way.

"I'm just stressed." Silence. "Can I ask you something?"

"Anything. You know that, Joonie."

"Let's just say that years ago, you had a problem. A problem that ruined someone else's life. Like made them run off and leave their family with no idea of where they were or how they were doing. And then one day, they show up and say why they left and that it was your fault that they couldnt be with their family again.....Would you tell their family that this person was alive and well all this time and risk them getting hurt, or would you let them live in ignorance and pain every day missing their loved one?"

"Ummmm," Layla began. She was stumped as to why he would ask her such a thing. Maybe he knew that if Jackson was really out there, she wouldn't care how it affected anyone else, she would want to know that he was alive. "Well, obviously I would tell the person what you know. I mean, forgiveness is one of the things we have to do as a person in life. I'm sure the family would forgive over time, especially if it means that they could have their loved one back." Layla sat up on her bed and grabbed a pillow to clutch to. "What brought all of this on?"

"Seen it on a movie is all." He muttered.

"Oh, well how did it end?"

"The family ended up hating the person that made their family member leave in the first place. Neither parties ever recovered from the betrayal. There were lots of people involved and it was too hard for the other person to let it go." Namjoon sighed. "I guess that's what happens when you lie."

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