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"Breakfast was great," Layla said while walking Jungkook to his room. "Thank you, for everything Kook. Really, I mean that."

Jungkook smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Thank you for talking to me. It was nice to get everything out in the open between us."

"It was wasn't it?" She smiled. They arrived at Jungkooks hotel room as her phone rang. She took the phone out of her pocket and smiled before answering. "Hey, baby boy. I'm on my way."

Jungkook lifted his brow.

"Bennie," she mouthed. "I'm on my way. I'll see you in fifteen minutes."

Layla put her phone back in her pocket and smiled at Jungkook. "He reminds me of you. Always wants to cuddle."

Jungkooks face faltered a bit, but he soon recovered, quickly hiding his Crestfallen expression. "T-thats nice, Layla. I'm glad you found a suitable replacement."

Layla stepped back in shock. "Jungkook, that's not what I meant!" She grabbed his wrist and pulled him close to her. "I could never replace you, Kook. Why would you say that?"

Jungkook looked at the ground and sighed, then looked to Layla. She could see every emotion swirling around in his chocolate doe eyes.

"I'm sorry," Jungkook whispered. "I-I love you so much and the fact that you're taking care of them the same way I just-"

"You what," Layla said while her voice shook. "You still love me?"

"We all do."

Layla looked behind her and stood frozen in place. Yoongi, Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung stood silently, each had a different bag with an assortment of things in their hands.

Layla didnt expect to see Yoongi, Tae and Jimin so soon. Hoseok and Jungkook were planned; this wasn't. She wanted to run away and deal with this later, but instead?

She ran right into their arms.

Yoongi was the first to grab her, burying his nose in her hair, then Jimin and Taehyung flanked her on each side, wrapping their arms wherever they could. Tears sprang from her eyes and soon she was sobbing uncontrollably, confessing how sorry she was and how much she missed them and loved them.

Hoseok and Jungkook joined in on the hug, then all of them sighed in relief. Layla needed to heal to move on. Layla needed to heal to love again, and having her friendship with them repaired was her top priority.

"Shhh, Layla. It's okay," Yoongi said as he rubbed her back. "We understand and you're here now, that's all that matters."

An hour later

Layla watched R-4 dance with so much passion during practice. She smiled everytime she made eye contact with them and clapped her hands in approval. The talk went great with the members of Bangtan and that made her real happy, especially with them agreeing to suprise four important kids.


he talk was emotional.

But two people were missing.

Seokjin and Namjoon.

Layla could face Namjoon yet, even if that meant pushing Jin to the side; she just wasn't ready. She also didn't want to think about all the sad stuff discussed earlier.

Today was a new day and she'd deal with the heavy stuff tomorrow.

"Ben Ben, you were amazing. All of you!" She beamed as they came to hug her. Tomorrow would be their final performance with Layla at their side, so she decided to make everything solely about them. But, she needed to apologize first.

She motioned for them to sit on the sofa, then pulled up a chair for herself. She took a deep breath and then looked at the four bright eyed boys infront of her.

"I'm sorry for being so emotional last night. I want to explain some things more clearly and I hope you will listen and understand why I didn't tell you everything at first."

They all nodded and sat quietly, looking at Layla with a bit of sadness.

"Before you four, I was Bangtans personal physician. How did that happen, right? Well, I went to a concert in Seoul and similar to last night, Jungkook collapsed. Sure, there were the paramedics there, but what boy wants tons of people on him? So I was prepared. I had my medical bag and was sought out in the audience to come help him. That's how I became stuck with them. Our relationships progressed differently and I wont speak about it, but one person in particular really made me....whole."

"Namjoon hyung," Bennie said and Layla nodded.


"What happened?" Lucien asked while playing with the hem of his shirt, "but I dont want you upset again, so don't share unless you're ready."

"He lied to me. I don't like being lied to or made a fool. Although what transpired wasn't the others fault, I took it out on them...and I hurt them. It wasn't just Namjoon that lied, it was someone that I would have spent the rest of my life with. I was engaged. To whom, it doesnt matter anymore. Last night was just a whirlwind of emotions that I wasn't ready to face yet. But I want to thank you boys. You helped me mend my heart and the hearts of some people that really want to see you again."

Tydo jumped from his seat, Hiro and Bennie promptly following him.

"You don't mean-" Lucien gasped, but before he could finish his sentence, Jimin, Yoongi, Taehyung, Hoseok and Jungkook entered the room with snacks, games and everything four teenage boys could possibly want.

"Enjoy your time together." Layla said as she laughed and exited the room leaving for stunned and excited boys behind.

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