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Author POV

"W-we've got to stop meeting like this," Jungkook muttered and then sighed again, letting a slight smirk appear on his face.

"T-thank you." Sejin said as he stood behind Layla, who was administering the IV fluids through Jungkooks line. They moved him to a back room with lots of privacy from questioning idols, fans and staff members.

Laylas hair stood on the back of her neck as Sejin spoke. She didn't plan on talking to anyone except Jungkook and didn't expect Sejin would make himself known to her. She took a deep breath and faced him once she was done checking over Jungkooks sleeping form.

"I didn't do this for you or for anyone else other than Jungkook." She deadpanned as she walked over to the sink to wash her hands. "How did this happen?" She questioned as she turned back to him. "He's severely dehydrated. Again!" She raised her voice louder, not caring than anyone could hear. "Why is it always Jungkook, huh? What in the hell is going on?"

"I- I dont know. I didn't realize that he was pushing himself so hard again." Sejin sighed. "They haven't been the same since you left so-"

Layla growled at those words. How dare he bring that up? He was the one that pulled the wool over her eyes. Actually over everyone's eyes.

"Dont. Say. Another. Fucking. Word." She growled. "Don't even finish that sentence, Sejin. Don't you ever blame me for what has happened. If it anyone's to blame, it's you!"

"I'm not denying my fault, Layla. Trust me, I will never forgive myself for not telling you that Jackson was alive; but believe me, I wasn't going to accuse you. The reason why they've changed is not just because of losing you. They're disbanding once their contracts are up at the end of the year."

Disbanding. They were disbanding.

"What? Why?" Layla said while looking at Jungkooks sleeping from. We're they not happy with the music anymore? Their lives?

"Military Service. Jins coming up on the final age for mandatory enlistment and they want to go together. I was worried at first, but now they're dead set on it."

"Jungkooks only Twenty four."

Sejin sighed. "I know. But this was their decision as a group. They want to do this. I assume this is why they havent been taking care of themselves."

"You're their manager, Sejin. You should know."

"I know. I just haven't been on the ball. I'm sorry."

Layla clicked her tongue and then sighed. What should I do now? Fuck. Bangtan was right out side and no doubt, R-4 was with them, too. Looks like the conversation she'd been dreading, was going to happen anyway.

"I need to get back to R-4. Just make sure Jungkook takes a break for a few days. All of them for that matter."

"I will. Thank you, Layla."

Layla turned back to Jungkook and sighed before she walked out the door.


"Lucien, we need to go after her." Bennie said while cutting through the crowd. The award show was over and Layla hadn't returned to their table.

Lucien knew as soon as Layla jumped up from the table that she was more involved with Bangtan that she let on. They found their manager quick as the navigated the crowded hallways; when their manager spotted them, he motioned them toward their dressing room, then quickly shut the door.

"You boys did amazing." Hydin beamed. "And you got both awards you were nominated for! Oh, and that speech, Lucien. It was-"

"Where's Layla?" Lucien asked, looking his manager straight in the eyes. "She never returned back to the table."

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