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Author POV

The Olympic stadium was full of love and laughter. After a flawless performance, it was time for Bangtan to close their final concert. Layla was behind the stage, sobbing into her hands when Jimin broke down after hearing the fan chant during their final speeches.

"A-again, Army," he cried while gripping onto Yoongi's hand. "I want to hear you all one last time."

Everyone was betting on Namjoon to break down first, but it was Jimin. Jimin openly sobbed, swollen eyes and hot tears streaming down his face as he knelt down, fully bowing to ARMY. It didn't take long for all of Bangtan to fully bow to the people they were so thankful for. Without Army, they would have never gotten this far; they knew that. Most people thought that having millions of fans, that they wouldn't remember the faces of Army, but they did. Seeing the original army in the front three rows, the ones that came to their first concert of only three hundred people, sent Taehyung into a frenzy.

He jumped off the stage and headed into the crowd, hugging and thanking everyone he could. Namjoon laughed while wiping his tears. They weren't allowed to get this close to their fans, but he didn't care anymore. They were living in the moment so he did the same thing as Taehyung. Instead of the back stage crew and their managers freaking out, they let the boys have this moment with their fans.

They more than deserved it.

The concert had only allowed 2,000 fans to enter, but it was being broadcasted world wide for everyone to see. With Bangtan all jumping off the stage and into the crowd, the security safely moved each member through the crowd, letting them have their few seconds with each person. They took photos, hugged and quickly chatted with Army.

The guys said it would be a concert that no person would ever forget and they were right.

Once they were done, they jumped back over the barrier and made their way back to the stage. Layla was more than just proud of her men. She had one last surprise up her sleeve; with the help of their families and the pure hearts of Army, the boys would be rendered speechless in a matter of seconds.

Sejin walked up to Layla with a small remote. "Ready?"

Layla smiled and nodded her head. "You know they're going to cry worse than they have been, but it going to be perfect."

Sejin brushed Laylas shoulders and laughed. "Can you believe today has been exactly three years since you started working for us?"

Layla nodded. They started and ended here, in this exact stadium. "There for a while, I thought I'd never see them again. Any of you. But life has so many surprises and honestly Sejin? I couldn't have picked a better way for my life to turn out. Although that whole chapter with Jackson was a rough one, I'm glad it brought me to them. They are the best things that have ever happened to me and for once in my life, I'm not going to question my future. I know all eight of us are going to be together forever and that's the only thing that matters to me."

"You are a true gem, Layla Lee." Sejin and Layla looked to their left to see the one and only Mr. Bang with tears in his eyes. "I'm very thankful for you and everything you have done for us and for those boys out there."

Layla hugged him quickly then bowed apologetically. "Sorry," she laughed. "I'm either hugging, crying or laughing tonight."

"You're okay," Bang laughed. "I'm ready to see your little project."

"Grab us some tissues, Bang-ssi."

The music started as Layla pressed the button on the remote. Army Bombs blinked purple, the lights a soft lavender and then the beginning notes of Bulletproof: The Eternal sounded all around the stadium. Army began to sing as the screen behind them played clips of Army from 2013 to now.

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