23. (M)

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Layla went back to her room in Jin's apartment and fell against the bed; fully relaxed and full. She finally had eaten breakfast with all seven men and then decided to take an hour long soak in Jin's jacuzzi tub. After another quick meeting with Bang and Sejin, more work schedule details were finalized and payouts etc.

The weekend long break was now extended for two weeks due to new upcoming arrangements before their final tour. Just thinking about Bangtan disbanding for military enlistment gutted her. She knew she wasn't alone though. The boys were emotional, Army was emotional; everyone was having a rough time with what was going down in the future.

Layla rolled to her side and took a deep breath then grabbed a pillow and buried her face in it. They lost out on so much time all because she couldn't deal with what Namjoon did. It wasn't even that serious anymore and the fact that she cut off everyone left a sour taste in her mouth. She had ten months to make it up to them. Because lets face it, she still loved them as much as she did two years ago.

"Knock knock knock," Jin said as he popped his head in the door, then smiling at Layla's body sprawled across the bed. "You asleep?"

"No, I'm just thinking," she said as she removed the pillow from her face.

Jin arched his brow. "Thinking about what?" He slowly walked to the bed and then sat down. "Is everything okay?"

Layla smiled and nodded. "Yeah. Everything's great. I was just thinking about all the time we lost...and how happy I am that we've got these last couple of months to make better memories with each other."

Seokjin smiled and then laid down next to her. "I thought you were going to say you regretted what you, Namjoon, Hoseok and I did."

"Why would I regret that?" Layla looked into Jin's beautiful eyes but not before staring at his pink and plump lips. "I had an amazing time. Although I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be able to walk more than a few steps at a time."

Jin looked down at Layla's lips. He wanted to bite them. He wanted to suck on them. He just wanted to continue what they did last night. "Are you-"

"I'll need a few days," Layla giggled. "but," she said while scooting closer to Jin. "We need to talk about us. Like all seven of us and what this means going forward."

"Well," Jin sighed. "I think everyone has pretty much coupled up again. Taehyung and Jungkook, Yoongi and Jimin, and then You, Namjoon, Hoseok and I."

"hmm," Layla said while biting her bottom lip. "I don't want to come between any couples."

She truly didn't, but she knew that she had unfinished business with the other four. Layla laid her head on Seokjin's chest. "Are we all on the same page, Jinnie? About being together again?"

"I know I am. I bet Namjoon and Hoseok would also agree, but like you said, we'll all talk about it later. Right now I want to do something else."

"Like what," Layla said with curiosity. 

"Take a nap and cuddle with you," Seokjin smiled. "Just like old times."

"Just like old times," Layla agreed and slowly drifted off.

"How's your ass," Taehyung smirked as he watched Jungkook hobble around Jin's livingroom.

"How's yours," Jungkook spit back. "I didn't hurt you like you did me, Tae."

"Sorry, baby," Taehyung smiled as he back hugged the maknae. "I love you."

Jungkook blushed as he looked at the ground. "I love you, too."

They crashed on Jin's couch with Namjoon and Hoseok who were both on their laptops with their headphones plugged in. Those two were working on a new song and swapping files back and forth. It made the two youngest happy to see them getting along again. They were nervous at first though. No matter how bad that they longed for Layla to return, they were always worried about those two. 

Yoongi and Jimin were laying in the floor playing some game on the xbox, but Jungkook couldn't pay attention to it. The maknae was emotional. This was the first time that they were all under the same room and everyone was getting along. Jungkook couldn't help but to break down at the thought of them never working everything out in time before they left for the military, but now, it was pretty amazing to know that they were.

"Koo, what's wrong," Taehyung said as he rubbed the maknae's thigh. "Baby why are you crying?"

Jungkook wiped his eyes and then turned to his boyfriend. "Layla's here. We're here....and we're finally happy again."

Taehyung kissed Jungkook's forehead. "It seems that way, Koo. I'm happy, too." Taehyung smiled as he saw Jungkook nod his head and then kiss him back. 

"Joon-ah, this song is amazing," Hoseok squealed as he took off his headphones. Yoongi paused the game and came to sit next to the younger.

"Let me see it," Yoongi smiled.

"Wait, wait wait," Namjoon blushed. "Shouldn't we let Jin Hyung hear it?"

"Let's go take it to him," Jimin said while standing up. "I think he went to talk to Layla." Jimin looked own at his phone to check the time. "He's been up there for quite a while."

Taehyung smirked and looked at Jungkook. "I bet I know what they're doing," he whispered in his boyfriends ear. 

"I doubt it," Jungkook laughed, but then got an idea. "Let's bet on it."

"Alright baby, what do you want if you win?"

This conversation got all the others interested as well. All six members were throwing ideas around left and right. "Okay, I got it," Jungkook laughed. "The winners get to take Layla out on a date."

"Sounds nice, but what happens to the losers," Taehyung smirked. "Just go ahead to prepare yourself to lose, Jungkook. So I would go easy."

"Easy. Yeah right," the other smirked. "If you lose, you have to watch Layla have sex."

"That doesn't sound like a punishment to me," Yoongi laughed out. 

"I'm not finished. You have to watch Layla have sex and you can't come. You can't touch yourself. You have to sit there on the verge of combusting in your pants the whole time. You can get teased by whoever sees fit and you will not come. Is that the punishment you all wanted?"

Needless to say, Yoongi and Taehyung lost.

Needless to say, Yoongi and Taehyung lost

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Long chapters coming soon.

Thank you for all allowing me time to heal from the loss of my puppers, Hunter. I adore you all so much.


14 chapters until the end

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