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"Thank you for agreeing to talk to us, Layla. I am so sorry that all of this happened," Jackson's mother said as they sat in the back room of the cafe. Layla should have known this was Jackson's parents place, hell, Jackson brought her here years ago when Got7 got together for Jackson's birthday. She was stupid, so fucking stupid to come in here.

"I don't know what else I can say," Layla breathed. "Based on what you've said, Jackson's pretty much come clean about everything."

He told his parents every last detail. Why he was alive and who held him for all those months. He also talked about cheating on Layla and then finally told them about Layla's pregnancy. When Jackson's parents first found out, they were crushed, but they had always believed that everyone's path in life is already written. Like now, them sitting here with Layla was planned out from the beginning of time.

"I know how hurt you are," Jackson's father said while holding her hand. "Is there anything we can say or do to ease any of this for you?" Was there anything? No, it would have to be time. It's been two years since she last saw Jackson and she didn't know how she would handle it if she accidentally met him on the street like this.

"There's really nothing you can do. It's all over and done with," she breathed. "We just all have to move on from this. I've been trying for two years, but nothing has even come close to having the closer I need."

"He's here. In Hong Kong," Jackson's mother said while looking into Layla's eyes. "I think you both need to have a chat. It has hurt me so much seeing my son do this and then have to live this way. It hurts me even more that I've lost a daughter and a grandchild in the midst of it."

"You will always be our daughter," Mr. Wang sniffled out. "No matter where you are, we'll always be here for you. It doesn't matter if you and Jackson get back together or not. We will always be your family."

"I-I don't know if I can face him now. I did and said some pretty nasty things. I still-"

"You still love him," Mrs. Wang answered. "If you didn't love him, it wouldn't hurt as much."

Layla did love him. She still loved Jackson with every bit of her heart, but was she in love with him? No. As bad as it would hurt to admit out loud, her heart was completely taken over by someone else. Or more than one.

"How is he," Layla asked while turning her eyes back down to her drink. The bright green straw stirred the design on the foam until it faded into nothing.

"He's doing well," his mother answered. "He's been seeing someone."

"He's dating?"

"Trying to. She's not you, but she has brought a smile to his face. If he gets a second chance at love after this, that's all I could ever want."

"I don't want him to find someone like me. I want him to find someone better."

Layla really didn't plan on sitting in the back room of Mrs. Wang's shop for more than an hour, but the minute Jackson made his way into the room, time stopped. She couldn't run anymore. She had to face this head on. With a quick text to Bangtan about cancelling dinner and a text to send her driver off, she was ready. Ready and afraid. Jackson stilled when he walked in the room; his masked couldn't hide the shocked expression he had. He never thought he would see Layla again, let alone see her with his parents talking over coffee and tea cakes. He didn't even remember what his parents said, neither did Layla, with the two elders left them alone to talk.

"Hello, Layla," Jackson finally said as he looked across the table as he first love. He thought she was as beautiful still as she was all those years ago when he first fell for her.

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