25. (M)

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Author POV

Layla walked on unsteady legs next to Namjoon. Her face was flushed and all she could picture was Namjoons hard dick inside of her. She moaned to herself at the thought and caught the attention of Hobi.

"Still feeling it, huh?" He grinned at her as they walked into the living room. Jungkook fell to the floor beside the couch and Jimin laid beside him with his head in his lap.

"They're gonna fuuuuuuck." She sang out. They all laughed until they heard a bedroom door slam. Namjoon let his hand rest on Laylas hip as she turned to him. "What's his problem?"

"He hasnt had sex in a year." Yoongi said as he walked into his room. "I'd be a needy fucker too, ya know!" He yelled out before closing his door silently.

"Hmmm. Well I need to get out of this dress." She said slipping it off until it hit the floor. She stood there naked in heels and walked over to the couch and laid down, propping her feet up against the arm. She was drunker now and she didnt care.

The remaining boys all looked at her and gulped. "L-let me get you a shirt." Namjoon said sprinting off to his room. Hoseok and Taehyung walked into the kitchen, then Jimin sat up, rubbing her thigh.

"Mmm that feels good." She hummed.

"Go to Jin-hyungs room." He winked. She slowly sat up and bent down, taking Jimins lips in hers. She pulled away with a pop and then kissed Jungkook the same way.

"I like the way you think, Jimin," she said while standing up and walking towards Jins door. She looked back at the boys on the floor and they were already all over eachother. "That's hot."

They broke apart and winked at her, then got back to taking care of eachother. She opened Jins door and quietly closed it. Jin was on his phone and didnt look up.

"I dont have any condoms, sorry." He said huffing.

"What if I said you didnt need one," she smirked. Jin dropped his phone on his face and cursed. He wasn't expecting Layla there at all. He rolled over and turned on his lamp beside his bed and then groaned.

"Fuck," he breathed out; taking in her naked sight before him. She walked over to the bed and crawled on his lap, making sure to sit right on his erection; barely covered by his thin boxers.

"Jin..." She purred. "You haven't touched me since that day in my office." She kissed his neck and slowly started moving down his chest.

"I-I'm sorry....shit...I shouldn't have b-been so r-rude." He struggled to get out.

She stopped at the waist band of his boxers and looked up at him and grinned. "I think it's only fair if I got payback, dont you think?"

She pulled his waistband down, freeing his erection as it slapped against his stomach. She looked back up at him and smirked, grabbing the base and slowly running her hand up to the tip. "I've always wondered what your face would look like being blown into oblivion."


Namjoon POV

I grabbed a shirt from my closet and ran out of the room. This girl absolutely has blown my mind. She was everything that I could have ever hoped for in a partner, but I knew that we could never be just us. It was always be Jackson. Or Jin, Hoseok, Yoongi...or even the maknae line. We would never just be us.

I walked down the hallway and turned into the kitchen when I was stopped dead in my tracks. "Oh shit!" I gasped out and quickly covered my face with the shirt I had for Layla. "I didn't see anything I swear!" I said, blindly backing out and running into the living room.

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