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Layla POV

The sound of light snoring woke me up. I rolled over and stared at the person beside me.

Jungkook has his face into the pillow, his dark hair feathered out on each side.

Last night was wonderful.

Last night? It made me realize that life was too short to stay stuck in the same back and forth drama I was in. I was trying my hardest to get over Jackson, but after I would be with someone else, the overwhelming guilt would kick in.

The Layla of yesterday was gone.


The new Layla was doing whatever she wanted and living in the moment.

I took a deep breath and grabbed my phone from beneath my pillow. I had seven missed calls and twenty texts messages.

Missed call from Jimin

Missed call from Jimin

Missed call from Jimin

Missed call from Namjoon

Missed call from Taehyung

Missed call from Hobi

Missed call from Jin

"Missed call from Jin?" I sighed. What did he want. I scrolled through the texts messages and landed on the last one. My eyes widened and I blushed.

I told them I found Jungkook and he was fine. I know he was with you last night. You owe me😈

"Fuck," I muttered under my breath. I tossed my phone on the nightstand beside me and then rolled over to face Jungkook.

"Kookie," I said while ruffling his hair. He slowly brought his head up and opened his eyes.

"H-hey," he answered; his voice a lot deeper from sleep. "What time is it?"

"Its seven thirty. "

He flops his head back into the pillow and groaned. "I need sleep."

"I'm sorry, but you've got to go to the studio this morning. Black Swan ring a bell?"


I rolled my eyes and shook him. "Kook. Get up."

"I have no energy. It your fault."

I blushed and my breath hitched.

We didnt sleep most of the night. What was supposed to be one time, turned into six. I admit. My whole body was sore, but I still had a job to do. So did he.

And the fact that Jin knew, was starting to trouble me.

"If you get up, I'll let you drive my car."

He jumps up from the bed and stretches and then laughs. "Why didnt you say that before?"

My eyes trail up and down his body and I unintentionally bite my bottom lip. I look back up at him and he lifts his brow.


I point down, shut my eyes and turn my head. "Uh, you're um- still naked."

"Oh." He giggles. "Sorry, I'm just gonna..yeah. Gonna take a shower. Ten minutes tops."

I open my eyes and catch Jungkooks naked ass walking into my bathroom and shutting the door. I throw myself on the bed and sigh. "These boys are going to kill me."

But, Jungkook was standing behind the door, naked and wet.

"No, Layla. Don't do it." I said to myself. Jungkook was amazing in bed. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I stood up from the bed and walked to the bathroom door, my hand hovering of the handle.

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