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It had been a few days since the boys and Layla had any time to spend together outside of work. Their comeback show was tonight and they were all a ball of nerves and excitement. Layla was standing off to the sidelines with her medical bag, watching all the guys do a quick run through of their performance.

Layla still hadn't gotten used to the way they all completely changed when they performed. She was used to the silly and calm way they acted normally, but watching them turn into these amazing and dedicated stars, made her feel all giddy inside.

Her eyes often went to Namjoon and her heart started beating faster than usual. She was in deep trouble and that was for certain. After her little romp with him and Jin, she couldn't get him out of her head. She wasn't used to this feeling and it scared her. She also noticed that since the night of the club, Jin and Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook and Yoongi and Jimin were always coupled up together when ever they weren't practicing. She didnt want to make assumptions, but she knew that Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin and Yoongi were way more than platonic.

But that didnt stop them from flirting with her when she had to give them their medical needs during practice hours.

They boys left the stage and stood in front of Layla, beaming with excitement.

"How was it?" Jimin asked while smiling at her. His eyes disappeared as his grin got larger making her laugh.

"I think you all did amazing. I can't wait to see the performance tonight with you all dressed up and the light show." She smiled back handing them each a bottle of water. "But dont over do it. Just have fun."

"Hey, I'm WWH, you know? This Handsome face will not let you down." Jin laughed.

"Oh boy," Namjoon groaned.

"Hey, Layla," Jin added. "We added a girl named Leilani to our guest list. She was the one that helped us find Yoongi and the maknae line. Will you get her settled in and bring her some merch from us?"

"Sure, Jinnie," she smiled. "Ill head over there is just a second."

Jin went to her and gave her a hug and she smiled back. "Thanks, Layla."

"Bangtan! You're needed to makeup and wardrobe, let's go!" Sejin said walking towards them. He met Laylas eyes and smiled. "Thank you for taking care of them, Layla. They all really care about you."

She nodded her head while the boys waved goodbye, heading towards the wardrobe department. "I care about them too." She took a deep breath. "With everything going on, I'm sure you know a lot about Jackson and I, I assume?"

Sejin's eyes widened then he quickly coughed and straightened his tie. She surely couldn't know that Jackson was alive? His thoughts ran wild before he answered. "I- I am aware. What brought his name up?"

"I just wanted you to know that I will not fail the boys like I failed Jackson."

His heart broke at those words and he wanted to just tell her, but too many people would go down in flames and get hurt; he didnt want that responsibility even if he found out by accident.

"Dear, you didnt fail him and I know for a fact you won't fail the boys." He smiled. "Let's go see them get ready so you can check if they need anything before the show."

"I'll be back in a second. I have to go find someone and make sure their settled in. Seokjins orders."

"Go ahead, dear."

Layla bowed and headed toward the security with a basket full of goodies in her hand.

"Hello," she said bowing. "Has a girl named Leilani checked in yet?"

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