30. (M)

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Beginning Authors Note:
Thank you all for reading my story. It truly makes me happy and fills my heart with over whelming warmth that you all care about the story that I'm continuing to tell. At first, 'Feel Me Up' started as an OT7 storyline; where the MC (Layla) got to experiment with every member of Bangtan, no strings attached. Then I started working in the Jackson storyline and her having different interactions among Bangtan until it turned into this. I hope you all will continue to read and as a token of my gratitude, I'll be posting the spicy love scene between Jungkook and Taehyung that happened before meeting up with Namjoon on the dock. I purple you, army💜

Author POV

Taehyungs knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel with a muffled groan. Jungkook had his head down and half laid in the floor board of the car, while his mouth bobbed up and down on Taehyungs aching cock.

The ride was taking too long, and he knew if they didnt get there soon, he'd cum all over the car; but it wouldn't stop him. He'd take Jungkook over and over until they were both spent and blissful.

Just five more minutes. He could do this. He turned the company car down the side street behind the dorms and took the many short cuts until he parked the car in the hidden parking lot.

Jungkook let go of his dick with a pop. Taehyung pulled his shorts up and grabbed Kooks hand, pulling him through the hidden entrances and hallways until they reached the dorm and made a beeline to their room. They rushed passed a blushing Jimin and shocked Yoongi before they slammed the bedroom door and fell onto the bed.

There wasnt much talking.

Just kissing.

Jungkook straddled Taehyungs lap and started to grind into him as he sucked on Taes bottom lip. Taes hands grabbed Kooks waist as he pushed up into him. He moaned against Kooks lips at the friction and pressed into him harder.

"God damn it, Kook," he moaned out.

"Be quiet, Tae. They'll hear us." Jungkook said as he pulled his shirt over his head. Taehyung followed and took his own off and tossed it onto the floor.

"I dont care. I dont care at all."

He latched onto Jungkooks neck, causing him to moan into the side of Taehyungs head. Jungkooks hand was down Taes pants in a second flat, gripping and stroking his hard on. "Kookie...," he breathed out.

Jungkook crawled down the bed, taking their pants off and throwing them onto the bedroom floor. He looked up at Taehyung, who was red faced and breathing fast and winked. "Show me dom, Tae. I'm ready."

Taehyung bit his lip before he answered him in a dark tone. "Get on your hands and knees. I'll be right back."

Jungkook followed his command and got on the bed while Tae ran out the bedroom door and down the hall, butt naked. Jungkook heard the gasps and laughter from Yoongi and Jimin, that made him blush and giggle.

Soon, Taehyung returned and closed the door softly. Jungkook looked over his shoulder and smiled. "What do you have for me, Tae Tae?"

Taehyung winked and held up a black blind fold and a shiny pair of handcuffs. "Hoseok borrowed them and I took them back." He took a deep breath and walked toward Jungkook; his ass in the air and waiting for Taehyung to take control.

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