17. (M)

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"You do taste like peaches."

Author POV

Layla took in a deep breath and stepped back. "Is that what you all say about me?"

"Maybe." Namjoon winked and walked back over to the door. When his hand touched the handle, he looked back at her. "Practice will be over in two hours. Yoongi is taking Jungkook down to record his part for Black Swan. Kook said you needed to talk to us."

"I do. Yeah," Layla said as she sat back down at her desk. "I, um. I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"For all the trouble I've caused. I'm supposed to be helping you. Not all of this. I don't know why-"

"Hey," Namjoon said cutting her off. "Don't worry about us. We'll talk later like you asked. Okay?"

She nodded. "Okay."

Namjoon smiled once more and walked out of her office. Once the door was closed, Layla laid her head on her desk and groaned.

"Why in the hell do I get myself into so much shit?"

Laylas guard always came down when it came to the boys. She started to feel guilty about everything that happened all over again until the words Jungkook told her that morning came flashing back into her mind.

"You deserve to live. You deserve to live life out of the box you've made yourself stay in. Be free. That's what Jackson would have wanted, right?"

She sighed, already having her mind made up. Kook was right. Layla was right. She may be taking a huge risk, sleeping with everyone, but she didnt care.

She was gonna live her life.

Even if it meant getting on her knees everytime Bangtan was around.

She just hoped that they could all come to an agreement about it.

🕖 six hours later...

They all sat in the living room after their work day. Layla was standing in front of the television with Jungkook beside her. Yoongi, Jimin and Taehyung took the sofa while Hoseok sat on the arm rest; Namjoon and Jin sat next to eachother on the love seat.

All eyes were on her.

The room was silent, except for their breathing and the low voices coming from the tv.

Namjoon cleared his throat and placed his arm of the rest beside him. "What do you want to tell us?"

Layla looked over at Jungkook and he nodded; giving her the confidence she needed to start the conversation.

"As you all are probably aware, I moved out," she began. "It was already decided when I took this job that I would have my own place eventually. You all knew that."

"We did," Yoongi said from the sofa.

"I just think that it will be best if I stay there until-"

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