26. (M)

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Author POV

It was time for the tour to start and everyone was a mix of emotions. Not just nervous or excited; they were sad. Sad that everything they've worked for as young teens were finally coming to an end. They were ready to take the next steps of their lives, but still things remained uncertain. Things that they didn't want to think about now.

Hell, Bangtan didn't have time to think about anything at all other than practicing their chorography or their songs. These last concerts were going to be huge.

When Bangtan wasn't working themselves to the bone, they were either sleeping, eating or stuck to Layla like glue. Lunch Break at work? Namjoon. Meetings with staff to make sure she had enough supplies? Seokjin. But no matter how or what they were doing, none of the eight had any time to themselves. Even TaeKook and YoonMin were starved for attention, even if they did go to bed with each other at night.

But all of that didn't matter now. Layla was sitting in her seat on the private jet, Sejin currently next to her, working on his lap top as they waited for the boys. Bang was already in Japan, working on something top secret that he still hasn't mentioned to anyone about. Layla could hear the screams and cheers from the airport and a small smile formed on her face. Those boys were so loved by millions of people and she could understand why. They were humble, kind, and never acted like they were better than anyone else. They were the most down to earth people she had ever came across. She loved them just as much, if not more, than anyone else. Thinking about their future was something she wasn't prepared to do, so when she finally saw Namjoon enter the plane, she shut herself down and got up to greet him and the others.

Namjoon's arms circled around her waist and his lips pecked her forehead. "Hi," he smiled.

"Hi," Layla smiled in return. The others did just the same; kissed her on her forehead and hugged her. They didn't get to see much of each other this morning, so they were a little heavy on the touches.

"Is everyone excited for Japan," Layla said while sitting down in her seat. "J-Army has already begun to decorate the airport with Purple balloons for your arrival."

"Already?" Hoseok smiled as he sat down across from Layla. "I'm excited to see them again. Two years have gone by so fast."

"They have," Namjoon agreed. "We need to make this concert, as well as the others, the best experience for everyone. Who knows when or if we'll ever do this again."

Namjoon's statement was like a stab in the chest. The others made it to their seats with somber expressions, but Layla wasn't having it. Sure, this may be their last tour before enlistment, but that didn't mean it had to be a sad one. Now was the time to make lots of memories; amazing memories at that.

"I have an idea," Layla said as she grabbed everyone's attention. "From each city, let's grab a souvenir. Nothing too big, of course, but like a snowglobe, a little piece of each place so that when this is all over, you can post a picture with everything you guys have snagged along the way. Maybe like a caption saying, 'We'll remember this for the rest of our lives' or 'You'll always be with us'. Something that Army will get to see to know that you will never forget them."

"We would never forget them," Yoongi said while sipping his coffee. "Without Army, none of this would even be possible. I still can't believe that after ten years, they still love us just as much."

"Who wouldn't love you? You guys are all amazing."

"You say that now, but did you know us when we first debuted,"Jimin laughed out and then pulled his sleep mask down over his eyes. "We were dressed like we raided a thrift shop."

"I didn't care about your look," Layla giggled. "The music was great. That's all I cared about. I was twenty or so years old when you debuted. I felt like I was an Army Noona right from the start."

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