36. (M)

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Author POV

His arms wrapped around her in a perfect and protective cocoon. Her face melted into his chest as she sobbed, crying and screaming out all the pain she felt inside of her. Little did she know, this was killing him too.

Hoseok had deeper feelings for her than he realized. So deep, that if anyone passing by saw their embrace, they would think he loved her. He did. He truly did, but despite everything in his mind and soul telling him to go with his gut and do everything he could to make her his, he couldn't.

She loved another man.

And that man broke her.

He gently led her inside and set her down on the couch, then grabbed her blanket and wrapped it around them.

"Baby, I am so sorry. So fucking sorry." He whispered into her ear and he rubbed her back. "I can't understand why he would do this. I-"

"Hobi..." she whispered back. "I can't do this anymore. I cant sit here and cry. I have to see him. I have to confront him."

"Not right now, Layla. Your emotions are all over the place. Just sit for a moment and think. Think about what you truly want to do and then I'll take you anywhere you want to go."

She lifted her head and looked into Hoseoks eyes. He's always been there for her and out of all of Bangtan, he's the one that's never hurt her. Never insulted her. Never pushed her away. She wanted to hurt Namjoon and much as he hurt her, but she couldn't go through with what her mind was basically begging her to do.

Could she drag Hoseok into the mix?

Could she really use the feelings he had for her as a motive to hurt, Hoseok? No. She couldn't do that. But she could use Jackson. Then she'd hurt them both worse than they've ever been hurt before.

"Hobi...I need you to call Jackson for me. Please."

His eyes widened at her request as he turned to face her. "Are- are you sure?"

"Yes, get him back here. There's something I need to do."


Layla was not herself anymore. The loving girl that cared for everyone more than herself was gone. In her place, stood a shell; An empty form of the spunky twenty seven year that everyone grew so close to.

Hoseok sat on the couch. His fingers knotted as he closed his eyes and breathed deeply. "What is she planning" he sighed out as a small knock sounded at her front door. His insides churned. He couldn't bring himself to call Jackson, so a text had to suffice. This was the first time he'd see him in years and based on what him and Namjoon done, he didn't know if he wanted to beat his ass or just kill him.

Hoseok lifted his head when Layla opened her bedroom door, stepping out in a black laced robe. Her hair was fixed and makeup was done. She looked alive, but when he met her eyes, he could tell that she was dead inside.

"What are you doing?" He breathed out as he stood up from the couch. He walked over to her and grabbed her shoulders turning her away from the door and back to him.

"I'm getting back with him." She stated. Her eyes didn't give anything away, but her body language did. She was lying.

"Layla, don't do this. I know you're hurting, but you can't be serious right now."

"Hoseok," she jerked away from his hold and started walking to the door. "In fifteen minutes, Namjoon will be here. You can stay or you can go. I don't fucking care. This is going to happen and that's that."

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