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Hi, it's me, Amber...The author of course 😋 I want to thank everyone for the messages regarding my health. I'm so much better and able to write again! March 22nd was my birthday!!! I'm officially 28 now💕 So as a thank you and my birthday present to you, here's a spicy chapter with the one and only Min Yoongi. (I chose him because he's two weeks older than me😋)

Enjoy!!! Also, a new chapter will be updated tomorrow 💜

Y/N couldn't believe her eyes. Standing before her covered in sweat, mask hanging halfway off of his face and shirt ripped-all in her small apartment no less- was Min Yoongi. The Min Yoongi. Y/N was speechless and that was something that never happened. Yoongi dropped to his knees and let out a deep breath, trying to calm his beating heart.

Finally able to form a rational thought, Y/N spoke, but didn't move from her spot at her kitchen table. "Um, are-are you okay," she said nervously. "Should I call someone?"

Yoongi lifted his head and shook it, pulling out his phone. "I'll call someone. Sorry for literally barging into your home."

Y/N stood still as could be. She was freaking the fuck out on the inside and also trying not to scare him off. She took in his disheveled appearance and gulped. "Sure..." she nodded and then stood up. "No problem."

She walked into the kitchen and pulled out another plate, piling it high with eggs, bacon and pancakes; then grabbing an extra mug, filling it with the fresh brewed coffee from the pot. She sat everything down on the table then turned her attention to the idol standing in her living room.

"Is everything alright," she said while noticing his nervousness. "I've made breakfast if you want to join me." She pointed to the table, before sitting down and trying to resume her breakfast.

"Um, sure," he said while walking cautiously to the table. "Thank you." He pulled out a chair and sat down, mouth instantly watering over the delicious smelling food. "I'm sorry for barging in here like this."

Y/N took a sip of her coffee as calmly as she could, trying not to freak out over Yoongi being at her kitchen table. "No, it's okay. It looked like you were in distress. I'm Y/N."

"I'm Yoongi," he said while taking a small bite of his pancakes.

"I know who you are," she laughed. "Don't worry. I'm not going to alert the media that you're here."

Yoongi smiled and nodded. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me, just eat up. I'm sure you've worked up quite the appetite based on how you ran in here. What happened?"

Yoongi placed his fork down and sighed. "Just a normal coffee run like always and I ran into some fans. They were real nice and respectful to my space, but then the sasaengs saw me and then shit hit the fan. The last thing I remember was the boy and his sister throwing coffee on the sasaengs as I ran. Your door was the first one I seen when I ran into the complex."

"Got to be tough living the idol life, huh?" Y/N sighed. "I'm sorry you've went through that. I bet if more Army were around, they would have stopped it from happening."

"I can only hope there is a next time. I doubt I'll be able to leave again once I'm picked up. My manager said it would be a few hours before they could arrive. If you have other things to do, I'll try to leave without them seeing me."

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