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Author POV

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Author POV

Bangtan and Layla picked back up into everyday life again. Over the last few weeks, they've been busy. So busy. The guys were preparing for their farewell tour and Layla was going through the motions of creating dietary schedules, temperature and symptom checks for Covid and making sure each one of the boys were at maximum health.

Of course as luck always has it, the eight had only seen each other at work. The guys would get home well after Layla went to bed, each going to their own apartments. They had talked about moving into Jins, all living under the same roof again, but their schedules were to busy to do anything other than prepare for their tour.

Layla was missing them. They never talked about their relationship status or had anymore moments since the party at the apartment; but everyone seemed okay. Taehyung and Jungkook were giving army TaeKook vibes at every turn and as far as YoonMin? They were doing the same. Instead of longing glaces like the other ship, those two were down right immature to one another. It brought a smile to everyone's faces to see Bangtans two favorite ships interacting as much.

Seokjin, Namjoon and Hoseok were always live wires together. They fed off of the craziness that was JinJoonSeok. Layla had also been keeping tabs on R-4. She missed Bennie, Tydo, Lucien and Hiro so much. The boys tour was going great. They were heading back to Korea and then to Japan to finish up the final shows and that's all anyone could talk about. Bangtan was so proud of them. They were glad that the J-Pop group was so well received by everyone and more than that, they were glad that R-4 didn't have to deal with the prejudice they had dealt with.

Layla was finishing up taping Namjoon's ring and pinky fingers together when Jungkook came walking into her office.

"Did he break them," Jungkook asked as he looked at the blue tips of Namjoons fingers. "I could hear the crunch."

Namjoon jerked his hand back at Layla secured the last piece of tape. "Ouch."

Layla rolled her eyes. "They're not broken, Kookie," she smiled at the younger then glared at Namjoon. "You need to be careful. This could have been avoided if you weren't acting like a toddler in the practice room."

"How was I supposed to know that the speaker would fall?"

"Are you supposed to be touching anything," Layla countered while crossing her arms. "I know you're tired of being labeled as 'The God of Destruction', but you sure are living up to the name, Namjoon."

"Who are you to talk? Didn't you just trip earlier today," Namjoon glared back. "If anything, it's you that needs to be careful."

Layla grabbed her clip board and smacked him in the head with it. Jungkook busted into a fit of giggles as Namjoon winced from the pain. "Look at you hurting me."

Layla smirked. "You're lucky I don't do worse."

Layla and Namjoon had quickly became closer than they were two years ago. It was like a calm had settled between them; both were slowly healing from the past and moving forward. Although the future was unclear for all of them, they looked forward to the brighter and better days.

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