10. (M)

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Author POV

It was the fourth week of working for Big Hit as BTS personal traveling physician. Layla had currently been running around Big Hit, looking for her new station; a doctor's station set up and she couldn't be any happier. Big Hit took care of her and she loved it. Having all of her heavy equipment here made everything easier. And what she would need every day, the new salary provided the rest.

After the altercation between Jimin and Jin in the kitchen, everyone settled down. No one made a pass at her and no one was uncomfortable. Layla actually got to bond with the boys and started to like them because they were all genuinely kind. You know, except for their normal male asshole-ness.

They respected her and she respected them. Layla got to learn how to cook with Jin. He was a great teacher and made it fun. Namjoon taught her how to organize her new Funko Pop! collection; one that tripled in size when her first paycheck hit. Yoongi helped her fix the new iPad and Macbook and gave her computer software to log everything in charts. Hoseok taught her how to dance and every night, she'd go down to his private studio and workout. Dancing was a lot better than lifting weights so Layla of course enjoyed it. The maknae line taught her all about gaming. Taehyung and Jimin forced her to play Fortnite while Jungkook let her be Widowmaker on Overwatch.

Everything was perfect.

Her private living quarters were almost ready so a part of her dreaded it. She didn't want to leave the boys.

Just thinking about them not being around when she got up in the morning hurt her heart.

Layla sighed as she dumped herself into her leather desk chair. She pulled up charts, organized massage schedules and vitamin intake, ordered new ace bandages and answered a call from Sejin. He was proud of her.

"Thank you, Manager-Nim. I'm so honored that you think that way about me," She said with a smile. "I love working with them. They make my job easy."

Sejin laughed over the line. "You're turning them into men, Layla. Don't stop what you're doing."

"I won't. I'll do right by them."

"I'm sure you will. Goodbye, Layla."

She said her goodbyes and had barely ended the call when an exhausted looking Jimin walked in. His blonde hair was messy and a few strands stuck to his forehead. He was glistening with sweat and his shirt was almost see through from it. He was hot. Like really hot.

She shook her head, getting rid of the spicy thoughts consuming it. "What can I do for you, Jimin?" She asked while she pressed the end of the ink pen to her lips.

"Ugh," he said and grabbed a cloth from his pocket to wipe his brow, "You hungry?"

Layla shrugged. "I mean yeah, I could eat. Do you wanna go somewhere together?"

Jimin smirked and shoved his hair out of his eyes. and she gulped at the sight. What was happening to her?

"Yeah, I was thinking Yang Good. I heard they have great lamb skewers and I'd love to try it."

"Okay, cool. I'll just clean up here and you can come get me when your done having a shower." she smiled. "You stink."

They both laughed while he stood up, straightened his shirt and then shoved his hands in his pockets. "Right. I'll make the reservations and then shower. I'll come back in forty-five minutes or so."

"Okay, Jimin. I can't wait."

He blinked in surprised and then broke into a toothy grin. "Cool."


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