Chapter 33

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Elsewhere on the ocean, a figure slipped silently across the ravine of the Edinburg Trader. It was Elizabeth Swann, still dressed in the clothes of a sailor. She moved toward the light of the captain's cabin, where she could hear voices raised in an argument.

"it;s an outrage!" Captain Bellamy complained, looking at the ship's accounts. "Port tariffs, berthing fees, and, heaven help me, pilotage!"

""I'm afraid sir. Tortuga is the only free port left in these waters," the ship's quartermaster offered, knowing the captain was bound to respond.

And respond he did. Bellamy was furious. "A pirate port is what you mean! Well, I'm sorry, but an honest sailor I am. I make my living square, and sleep well each night, thank you."

He didn't get to continue. "Sir!" the bursar interrupted, pointing to the cabin window.

"What?" Bellamy demanded angrily. But the bursar was shaking so hard he could only point. The captain turned around to see a shadowy white dress float by the cabin window. He ran out to the dimly lit deck.

"Tell me you do see that," the ship's cook asked, terrified.

"Aye, I do see that," Bellamy answered as he watched the white gown float to the bowsprit. High up in the rigging, Elizabeth secretly pulled the dress along by a fishing line. With a whisk of her arm, she pulled a line that raised the arm of the dress. It pointed to Captain Bellamy, then out to sea. His crew immediately shuffled away from him.

"She wants you to do something," the bursar said.

"Jump overboard?" the quartermaster suggested quickly.

Bellamy tossed him a scowl,"She's trying to give you a sign."

then, on the sea winds, a soft voice whispered. "Tor..."

"Did you hear that?" the cook exclaimed.

"Bur-mu-da?" the bursar said.

"Tobago?" the quartermaster offered.

Suddenly, the ghostly bride raced toward the rail and dripped over the side. As the crew was busy looking overboard. Elizabeth dropped down behind him.

'Look for a sign!" Bellamy shouted to his men.

"There!" The quartermaster yelled, pointing out to sea. "There is is! There's the sign!"

"That's seaweed," a sailor pointed out.

"Seaweed can be a sign," the quartermaster argued.

Elizabeth lost all patience. She grabbed the shoulder of the bursar and turned him around. "What's that over there?" she asks din a low, deep voice.

On the deck, the word "Tortuga" was burning away in lamp oil.

"Is it telling us to go there?" the terrified quartermaster asked.

Elizabeth was about to burst with frustration when Captain Bellamy spoke. "Men," he said. "what can ye say to a course change? Prudence suggests we make way for the island of Tortuga."

As the crew shouted their approval. Elizabeth pulled her sailor's cap down lower over her face and smiled. Her plan had worked. Now, all she could do was wait.

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