Chapter 23

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Two weeks ago

Eventually, Zachary decided to stay on land, since he wasn't in any position to sail the sea but that doesn't mean he was done sailing the seas. It just means, he was taking a long break before he could go back to traveling the world with his pups.

Zachary decided to stay in Tortuga since there were a lot of woods there and the island scent was able to cover up his newborn pups from predators.

Zachary slowly walked over the docks of Tortuga, passing people who were either getting drunk or unconscious, he sat down on one of the edges of the dock and let his feet dangle in the water. It was more quiet than usual on the dock.

Zachary gazed over the sea, lost in his thoughts. It was over a couple of months since he and his brother Will had saved Elizabeth from the pirates and brought her back to Port Royal.

Suddenly Zachary growled lowly as he felt pain run through his body when he felt something wet and sticky between his legs. He quickly started to make his way towards the woods so he shifted into his wolf and went towards his territory so he could give birth to his pups as Zachary made it to the edge of the town, he quickly removed his clothes and tossed them on the ground so he took it with him. Zachary sprinted into the woods, his clothing in his mouth.

As Zachary was running as far his feet would allow him to go, to put enough distance between the town and himself and his pups when he decided to stop running on two legs before running in all four before Zachary could lunge over a giant rock, Zachary felt his wolf started to take control, he didn't fight over control but allowed the wolf to take control and take them to his territory, he felt his body change with ease.

When he landed dirt and hunks of fur flew everywhere, Zachary darted away quickly, when he felt that the forest felt like a safe and comforting haven to him and he wanted his pups to be born in their natural home.

Zachary ran towards the direction to the open meadow that was filled with wild indigo and sea thistle, he decided to make that part of his territory so the pups will remember the sight.

he started to slow down in his running. For the first time in a while, Zachary was so amazed at himself seeing how far he got in his life. He was about to give birth to his pups and reborn his kind again.

Zachary's breath caught in his throat, as a strong contraction hit him. He took his clothes into his mouth again and went to his den area to expand it a bit more so it was big enough for him and his pups.

Zachary finished expanding his den area before laying down. As he curled up as the pain started to increase. He felt dilated enough to start pushing. Zachary's instincts took over and He began to push as hard he could. He would occasionally turn to check if he saw a head stick out or lick at his hole to clean some of the liquid off and he would continue to push.

When Zachary felt a head as he continued to push the pup out, finally he'd heard the cries of the little infant as he started to clean up the pup so it could breathe. Zachary was gentle when he bite off the umbilical cord. He slowly led the pup to his stomach, the pup latched on with little trouble but the pup was soon drinking from Zachary.

Zachary waited for twenty minutes for his second and last pup to be pushed out of him and he had done the same routine for the black and dark brown mixed pup. The second pup had a dark brown that matched Jack's hair color.

Zachary had two healthy little boys and was softly mewling in their sleep. As Zachary watched his pups lovingly before a thought came to his mind, "What should I name you two?"

Zachary's ears perked up when he heard a little whine coming from his pups, he smiles at his children as he softly licks them, his tail wagging as the pup with dark brown hair nuzzles his snout.

"I will name you, William Orion Lowell and as for your brother, he will be named Jack Astro Sparrow." Zachary's thought as he nudged little Jack who had rolled onto his back. Zachary curled up and brought his tail to his nose so he could keep his pups warm and safe from any danger that was nearby. The pups had fallen back to sleep when Zachary had stopped moving, he watched over them before sleep slowly started to overwhelm him. Soon darkness filled his vision as he slowly faded into the darkness and warmth.

Zachary woke up when he felt something furry and warm pushing into his stomach. He blinked at the brightness in the meadow and looked down to see his pups drinking from his stomach. He was lying on his side and sighed as he waited for his pups to finish eating, it barely hurt when he felt their little paws pressing into him and felt the liquid move.

The past couple of weeks have been quite stressful for Zachary to say the least. Little Jack and William have seen their father in his human form. At first, they were scared of him but after sniffing him, they had both realized that this man was their father.

Zachary loved both of his sons deeply, he was so proud and excited for them, when they had shifted into their human bodies for the first time. Even though they were just a year old.

Jack was the first one to shift into a human, he had pitch-black hair and looked a bit more like him but had Jack's nose and smile. William had shifted next after his brother, he looked just like Jack, but he had ocean blue eyes, just like him.

Zachary watched as his two little boys were either stalking or pouncing on each other. Zachary knew this type of play will help them in their lives when they're older. It's for them to practice how to stalk and kill prey and be able to learn how to socially interact with others in a pack. Zachary watched as William tried to tackle Jack to the ground, he smiled at them, delightful as he watched over the two.

Zachary then looks at the sun, squinting his eyes to adjust to the lighting. Judging by the sun, it was well past midday, he got up from his sitting position, picking up the two folded blankets beside him before heading his way towards his sons. "Come on you two, it's time to head back," Zachary said as he threw a blanket over both of his kids, so they could shift.

When they had finished shifting, Zachary had kneeled to warp them both up in the blankets before placing Jack on his shoulders, who pulled onto his hair a bit hard when Zachary moved a little but didn't mind it because Jack was just a kid, he knew he was scare of falling off of his shoulders, Zachary had picked up William next, making sure his blanket was wrapped around him well so it wouldn't fall as Zachary made his way towards Tortuga.

It was just after dusk when they had arrived in Tortuga. Zachary looked around as he walked into the streets of Tortuga, his guard was up as drunken men were everywhere and women flirting with the man who weren't passed out yet, prostitutes, Zachary didn't really like Tortuga but it was the only place to cover up his kids for any danger.

Zachary had his way to a small inn, he dug into his pocket to dig out some coins and gave them to the bartender to book a room. "First floor, and then to the right." He said to Zachary as he handed him the key to his room. Zachary walked upstairs, and easily found their room, as He placed both of his kids on the floor as he opened his and his kid's room.

Before the door was open all the way, Jack and William shot through it and went straight to the bed,
Zachary had closed and locked the door, he took off his boots before he made his way over to the bed, while Jack and William snuggled against with one another, Zachary held the blankets up, as he laid down on the bed beside them, Jack and William had yawned cutely as they move around so they can snuggle against their father before falling asleep again.

Zachary smiled softly at them, "Goodnight, my little ones." He managed to say before sleep took over, the last thing he heard was, "Goodnight, dada."

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