Chapter 17

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Elizabeth was wearing down the carpet with her pacing, as she waited for an idea to strike. When she turned to stare out of the large window, out to the island in the near distance, covered with a haze of fog. Suddenly, she looked down and spotted a small boat, with two oars just visible on the seats. She smirked, Jack planted the boat there, knowing full well that she would be forced into the largest room for protection. Then, suddenly, Elizabeth got up and began to strip the bedsheets.

She quickly rushed back and within minutes, she'd constructed a long enough makeshift rope. Just then, there was a loud creak and she stopped, spotting a figure through the stained glass windows of the doors. "Elizabeth?" said the voice. It was her father, "I just want you to know I, uh, I believe you made a very good decision today. Couldn't be more proud of you."

As her father spoke she tied her end of the rope to the bedpost. "But, you know, even a good decision, if made for the wrong reasons, can be a wrong decision."

Elizabeth ignored this and started to climb down to the boat. Then she took up an oar in each hand and began rowing feverishly towards the Pearl, whose outline could be seen in the distance.

The pirates headed down to the seafloor, while Pintel and Ragetti were forced into dresses, and rowed out into the wide waters, hollering and waving to the Dauntless, in an attempt to distract them from the ambush.

Norrington spotted them first and quickly grabbed the telescope closest to him. The rest of the men aimed their weapons, waiting for Norrington's orders. "Hold fire," he said, spotting the two pirates dressed as women. From his distance, they looked quite normal, and he watched them carefully, confused as to where they'd come from.

Ragetti twirled the parasol as Pintle towed with a disgusted look on his face. "This is just like what the Greeks did at Troy. 'Cept they were on a horse... instead of dresses." He picked at the hem of his dress, while Pintel rolled his eyes. "Wooden horse." He looked at the members of both the Dauntless and the longboats that were docked at the Isla de Muerta, making sure all focus was on them.

Meanwhile, the pirates had reached the Dauntless and were climbing the ropes anchoring the ship, grinning maniacally, as they thought of the curse finally being lifted.

Meanwhile, one of the sailors of the Dauntless had spotted the two "women" in their boat. "Lieutenant?" he said, looking over at Gillette, who grabbed the scope and watched the two figures intently.

"Yoo-hoo." squealed Ragetti at the Dauntless as the ship grew closer.

Governor Swann continued to talk, but after a few minutes, he realized that Elizabeth hadn't responded to a single word he'd said. "Elizabeth?" he asked, peering through the glass. "Are you there? Elizabeth, are you even listening to me?" he asked, getting annoyed. He opened the door, expecting to see his daughter lying on the bed sobbing. Instead, the sight of a makeshift rope leading out of the window greeted him. He ran over to it and spotted a small boat rowing out into the distance. "Oh, what have you done?" he whimpered, watching the dinghy get smaller and smaller.

Ragetti continued to wave and squeal at the ship, his voice echoing across the still waters. "Ooooh!"

Pintel had had enough. He was forced into a dress, being used as bait, and now he was supposed to plaster a smile on his face and enjoy it. "Stop that!" he yelled at Ragetti, who turned to him, "Already feel like a fool."

Ragetti frowned, "You look nice, though."

Pintel's eyes widened in disbelief and anger. "I look nice?!" he yelled, letting go of the oars, and grabbing Pintel's parasol, which had been blocking their faces the entire time, and began to beat him over the head with it.

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