Chapter 19

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Zachary was the first to wake up, his neck and back aching from sleeping at such a strange angle since he and Will felled asleep. He winced as the sunlight hit his face from the small, barred window at the top of the house. Judging by the dim light, it was just after dawn.

Gently, he shook Will's shoulder as he snored away, his head in his lap. "Wus-going-on?" Will asked, bolting upright, his eyes wide open.

"Well, it's morning time, and I thought we might just run down the plan before they, you know, hang Jack," Zachary said conversationally.

Will grinned as he began piecing the information Jack had given them the night before.

A few hours later, when the light had strengthened, Groves arrived outside of the cell. "I know you're probably hungry so...." He slipped the flap open and slid a plate with two pieces of slightly burnt toast on top. "It's not much-" he began.

"Thanks, Groves. Really." Jack said, as he picked up a piece, who quickly stuffed it in his mouth.

"Got any more, mate?" Jack asked Groves, his voice muffled by the bread.

Not long after, Norrington's men arrived and proceeded to unlock the door, before ordering Jack to stand straight. One of them unshackled Jack, before tying his hands together so that they would be able to walk properly.

Jack followed, two soldiers flanking him and two behind him. They led the pirate through the complex tunnels until they reached the courtyard, where the sun beat heavily on the hundreds of people who'd gathered to watch. In the far distance, Jack could see Elizabeth and her father watching with sadness. Next to the Governor was Norrington, grinning as though he were watching an excellent and comedic play.

Two of the soldiers led Jack up to the gallows, where one noose hung at the ready. A few feet away stood a soldier holding an incredibly long piece of paper, prepared to address the crowd.

Jack headed to the noose and stood tall, as the executioner looped the rope around his neck. Jack quickly placed a look of tiredness on his and scanned the crowd for Will and Zachary, who was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly the officer began to speak, "Jack Sparrow, be it known that you have-"

"Captain. Captain Jack Sparrow," Jack muttered under his breath causing Zachary to smirk slightly.

"-for your willful commission of crimes against the crown. Said crimes being numerous in quantity and sinister in nature, the most egregious of these to be cited herewith- piracy, smuggling...."

Elizabeth hung her head down, too disturbed to watch. "This is wrong."

"Commodore Norrington is bound by the law. As are we all." her father said, not looking at her, but rather at Jack, his eyes filled with pity.

"-Impersonating an officer of the Spanish Royal Navy, impersonating a cleric of the Church of England..."

Jack quickly had a vision of him dressed in a priest's garments and grinned, "Ah, yes." causing the executioner to glare at him in distaste.

"-sailing under false colors, arson, kidnapping, looting, poaching, brigandage, pilfering, depravity, depredation, and general lawlessness. And for these crimes you have been sentenced to be, on this day, hung by the neck until dead. May God have mercy on your soul."

Suddenly Jack spotted Will and Zachary, who was walking up the steps towards the Governor, Norrington, and Elizabeth. Will was wearing a large hat with a white feather, and a red cape over his shoulders while Zachary wore a large hat with a black feather and blue Cape over his shoulder. "Governor Swann. Commodore. Elizabeth," he said, nodding to each of them in turn, his eyes resting on Elizabeth. "I should have told you every day from the moment I met you. I love you." He saw the look on her face change from one of sadness to excitement and shock, as they quickly turned away to help Jack.

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