Chapter 4

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Jack was currently sitting in the one place he'd never thought he would ever be in jail. Commodore Norrington had thought it best if he was left alone, in his own cell. He took Jack's effects and left them in a storage cupboard near the cell.

Jack listened as the prisoners in the next cell over pressed themselves against the bars of their cell, whistling. One of them waved a bone to a dog that was sitting on the floor with the keys in its mouth. "Come here, boy. Want a nice juicy bone? Come here. Come here." they begged.

Jack smirked from under his hat, his back turned to them, "You can keep doing that forever, the dog is never going to move."

One of the prisoners spoke nervously, "Oh, excuse us if we haven't resigned ourselves to the gallows just yet."

Jack ignored him and continued to smile. He'd been in worse situations, and surely this one would work in his favor. He was quite lucky in that respect.

Elizabeth's maids had thankfully placed several hot pans under her mattress effectively warming her against the chill. She sat in bed as Estrella, her maid, helped her with the last few things, "There you go, Miss. It was a difficult day for you I'm sure."

Elizabeth merely nodded, still thinking about the Commodore's proposal. "I suspected the Commodore would propose but I must admit, I wasn't entirely prepared for it." Norrington's words echoed through her head once more, as she attempted to focus on the book in front of her.

"Well, I meant you falling into the water and getting saved by that pirate. Sounds terrifying."

Elizabeth was shocked out of her reverie, "Oh yes, it was terrifying."

Estrella smiled, "But the Commodore proposed. Fancy that. Now, that's a smart match, Miss, if it's not too bold to say." Estrella leaned by the nightstand and lit the oil lamp.

"It is a smart match. He's a fine man, he's what any woman should dream of marrying." Elizabeth replied dully, saying what many other socialites would say if they were in her position.

Estrella paused, "Well that Will Turner, he's a fine man, too."

Elizabeth looked over at Estrella, raising an eyebrow, "That is too bold."

Estrella backed away, and spoke hesitantly, "Well, begging your pardon Miss. It was not my place." She tiptoed out of the room and shut the door leaving Elizabeth alone to her thoughts.

Back in the blacksmiths, Will was forging another sword, hammering away at his anger and bitterness concerning his current position. He'd only overheard some of the Navy's men passing by one of the open windows that the Commodore had proposed to Elizabeth.

When Zachary returned to the blacksmith shop at nightfall, he found Will still hammering on the sword which he had damaged in the sword fight.

"Where's Mr. Brown?" Zachary asked carefully since he smelled the anger coming off at Will, he didn't know how Will would react to him. They have had arguments before, but they had never lasted more than 10 minutes, usually, they would get upset about not talking to each other and have a sword fight to make up, but not this time.

"Still getting drunk," Will answered shortly, even not looking up.

Zachary sighed, he hated it when Will acted that way, "Look, Will, I'm sorry I walked out earlier, I won't do it again I promise. But please act normal." He pleaded.

Will put down the sword, "Only if you promise you will never do it again."

"I promise - what, what will I never do again?" Zachary said, confused.

Will turned around, "Just joking little brother, I have thought about what you said earlier, about me not being your father, so I shouldn't act like that. But you're still my little wo -"

"Will!" Zachary didn't like it when Will called him little, he was only an inch smaller than him!

"My little Wolf." Will continued as if he hadn't been interrupted, "But I still have to look after you, it's the job of an older brother, after all, to look after his younger siblings, you."

"So we're friends again?" Zachary asked

Will smiled, "Yes." he said and walked over to Zachary and hugged him. As Will let go of him, Zachary let out low and deep growls.

Just then, Zachary heard a gust of wind, and felt something tingle at the back of his neck, as though they were being watched, he growled much more loudly than before. They walked over to the window, unlatched it, and looked out onto the empty streets. A dog ran by, barking. Will was confused. They'd never seen the streets of Port Royal this empty, especially at night.

The Governor and Norrington were pacing along the battlements of the Fort, discussing the day's events, when Swann asked, "Has my daughter given you an answer yet?" He'd known Norrington was going to propose, and that was the true reason behind the dress

"No, she hasn't." He replied, sounding slightly disheartened.

"Well, she has had a very trying day," said Swann, hoping to make the Commodore feel better. He glanced around, trying to find something else to focus the conversation on, "ghastly weather, don't you think?"

Norrington nodded, slightly preoccupied with his thoughts, "Bleak. Very bleak."

Just then there was a loud vibration that could be felt through the air, "what was that?" asked Swann, looking around the top of the fort.

Norrington quickly turned around, "CANNON FIRE!" he pushed the Governor out of the way, taking the blast himself. "Return fire!" he yelled to the soldiers who'd now appeared on the fort. Norrington continued to shout at soldiers, "Sight the muzzle flash!" as the fort was attacked. "I need a full strike, fore, and aft! Let these daemons both bite at this!" They fired cannons at the ship, which was now docked at the Port. Norrington watched as several longboats filled with pirates came ashore.

The Governor looked around in fear until the Commodore turned back to him, "Governor, barricade yourself in my office. That's an order!"

Swann scurried into the fort, praying Elizabeth was alright.

Jack sat in the moonlight when suddenly something shocked him out of his reverie. The ceiling above him shook, and dust crumbled down from it. The prisoners in the cell next to him stopped and looked around. Suddenly Jack stood up, climbed up on the bench of his cell, and peaked out through the barred window above him. "I know those cannons."

There, floating on the surface of the Port's waters was a ship. "It's the Pearl," he said, smiling. His beloved ship and the apple of his eye was back, just the same day that he was locked up, This could be no mere coincidence. Perhaps he was going to be saved after all.

"The Black Pearl?" asked one man.

One of the prisoners from the other cell moved to the bars between his and Jack's cells. "I've heard stories. She's been preying on ships and settlements for nearly ten years. Never leaves any survivors."

Jack stifled a laugh, as he responded, "No survivors? Then where do the stories come from, I wonder?" He didn't need to look at the man to know that he was confused.

Will had already gathered a few weapons for the blacksmiths and was fighting hand-to-hand against the pirates that had come off of the ship. He saw a pirate chasing a maid through the streets and threw his hatchet at him, effectively killing him.

He ran to pick it up and saw it already in the hands of Zachary, who'd changed into a pair of black breeches and a plain red shirt, "let's go!" He said. Together they fought through the streets, defending those who were unable to defend themselves. Suddenly, Will turned to him, "check on Elizabeth. NOW! And don't lose control!"

Zachary nodded, before fighting his way towards the governor's house, where some pirates had already headed mere moments ago.

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