Chapter 16

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Meanwhile, the crew of the Interceptor and Will were getting some quality bonding time as they sat opposite one another in the brig. Will could see the damage the Pearl had faced after the battle. The cell on his left had been sprayed with various cutlery, and the lock of the door had been blasted to smithereens. Will turned his head to the right and saw Zachary laid in the cell, he was thrown in before in a fetal position. He hasn't awoken yet since he collapsed. It seemed like he was lost in his mind. This was probably as near as he'd get to see his best friend weak and scared.

While he hoped he had forgiven him for leaving him on the Isla de Muerta, Zachary didn't look so happy when they marooned Jack and Elizabeth on the island.

His thoughts wandered to Elizabeth, and what would have happened if they had managed to reunite her with her father, and head back to Port Royal. He was shocked out of his fantasy, when Cotton's parrot squawked loudly, "Shiver me timbers!"

Gibbs smirked at the two pirates, Pintel and Ragetti, who were swabbing the floor. "Cotton' ere says you missed a bit."

Pintel slammed the head of the mop against the bars of the cell, when they heard a low growl coming from Zachary, they looked to see he was still resting before Pintel was going back to swabbing, his face contorted with annoyance. Just then, Will remembered that the pair were part of the crew when Jack had sailed from Tortuga to the Isla de Muerta and partook in the mutiny against him. He also knew that his father was there at the time as well, as the pair had been quite loud when pointing out the physical similarities between him and his father. "You knew William Turner?" Will asked hesitantly.

Pintel grinned, "Ol' Bootstrap Bill. We knew him. Never sat well with Bootstrap what we did to Jack Sparrow, the mutiny and all. He said it wasn't right with the Code. That's why he sent off a piece of the treasure to you as it were. He said we deserved to be cursed... and remain cursed."

Ragetti came up next to Pintel, swabbing the floor with distaste, "Stupid blighter."

Will was about to say something when Gibbs interrupted, "Good man." He looked over to Will and winked.

Pintel looked at Will, "Well, as you can imagine, that didn't sit too well with the Captain."

"That didn't sit too well with the Captain, at all," said Ragetti, with a slight laugh. "Tell 'im what Barbossa did," he said, nudging Pintel's shoulder and grinning maniacally.

Pintel swiveled around, "I'm telling the story! So..." he turned back to Will, drawing near the bars, so the pair were nearly toed to toe. "what the Captain did, he strapped a cannon to Bootstraps' bootstraps."

"Bootstraps' bootstraps" muttered Ragetti from behind Pintel.

"The last we saw of ol' Bill Turner, he was sinking to the crushing black oblivion of Davy Jones' Locker. Course, it was only after that we learned we needed his blood to lift the curse."

"That's what you call ironic," said Ragetti, as Pintel nodded in agreement.

Just then, Barbossa appeared at the foot of the staircase, tossing a pair of keys to Ragetti, "Bring him!" Before Barbossa turned his head towards Zachary as he started to stir in his sleep, "Has the Wolf awoken yet?" He asked as he made his way to Zachary's Cell.

"Leave him alone, Barbossa," Will said angrily as he made his way to him but was stopped by the pirates grabbing him.

Norrington was still giving the men orders as the boats reached the caves. "I don't care about the situation. Any attempt to storm the caves should turn to an ambush."

Jack rolled his eyes before speaking, "Not if you're the one doing the ambushing." He paused before reciting his falsified version of potential events. "I go in. I convince Barbossa to send his men out with their little boats. You and your mates return to the Dauntless and blast the bejesus outta them with your little cannons, eh?" he threw an arm around Norrington's shoulder, really getting into his stride. "What do you have to lose?"

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