Chapter 29

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Meanwhile, in a dank cell in Port Royal, Elizabeth could do nothing but wait. The moonlight shone through the cell's small windows and cast shadows on the wall. The men in the cell next to her snapped their fingers and whistled as she scooted herself farther from them.

She closed her eyes and rested her head against the wall behind her, allowing herself a small amount of sleep. Just then, she heard the jingle of keys and opened one eye.

"Come quickly." she heard a voice that sounded like her father's call out. She stood up and saw her father standing in the entrance of the cell. She nodded quickly and lifted the skirts of her dress as she followed his wake.

"What's happening?" she asked.

Her father didn't say anything until they'd reached close to the exit of the prison. Our name still holds some away with the King. I've arranged a passage for you back to England. The captain is an old friend-"

Elizabeth's heart stopped as her father spoke. She couldn't leave Port Royal. Or Will. "No. Will has gone-"

"We cannot count on William Turner." said her father angrily.

"He's a better man than you give him credit for." she replied, sensing the distaste and bitterness of her father's voice as he spoke her fiance's name.

"Please- this is non-time for innocence." her father replied quickly. He quickly produced a pistol from one of his inner pockets. "Beckett has only two pardons. Two. And they have been promised to Sparrow and Lowell. Even if Will succeeds...." He trailed off, and Elizabeth could see small tears gathering in her father's eyes as he looked up at her. "Do not ask me to endure the sight of losing my daughter walking to the gallows. Do not." He shoved the pistol into her hands, and Elizabeth's skin broke out in goosebumps at the sudden touch of cold metal. Her father opened the door to the carriage that had been parked outside, and helped her in, before heading to the reins himself. Before he could shut the door she spoke softly, "Yet you ask me to leave without you."

Her father smiled, "I must stay. There are still men loyal to me here, and Beckett is wary of my ties to the Crown. Perhaps I can ensure Will a fair trial, should he return."

Elizabeth's jaw tightened. "A fair trial for Will ends in a hanging." she replied coolly.

The Governor looked sad as he acknowledged the truth of Elizabeth's statement. "Then there is nothing for you here." And with that he closed the door, and headed to the reins, hurrying the carriage to the docks. Where a ship was docked, in wait.

He quickly got down from the bench and turned to the carriage, "stay inside." he said to Elizabeth before he headed towards a figure who stood in the shadows by the ship. "Captain Hawkins." he said, as he hurried to the man.

Suddenly, the Captain fell to the floor, and Mercer stood before him, wiping the bloodied knife on a handkerchief. "Evening, Governor." he said, before following Swann's eyes to the dead body between them. "Shame, that."

Swann stood petrified in horror as Mercer produced an unsealed letter that bore the mark of the Governor's house and a small amount of blood. "He had this on his person," Mercer began. "A letter to the King... It's from you." he stated plainly, tutting.

Swann regained consciousness and ran for the carriage. "Elizabeth!" he cried. As he ran, Mercer whistled and a few company troops appeared, circling both the carriage and the governor. They caught Swann before he could open the door to the carriage, and dragged him out of the way. Mercer caught up with them, and yanked the door open, to reveal an empty carriage. He turned to Swann, "where is she?" he growled menacingly.

"Who?" asked Swann, knowing they knew he was lying.

Mercer quickly wrapped his hand around Swann's throat and slammed the Governor against the side of the carriage. "Elizabeth." he replied.

"She was always a willful child." Swann replied, with a smirk. The troops fastened manacles on his wrists and he was allowed a single glance at the empty carriage as he was marched away.

Elizabeth slipped into Beckett's office, keeping into the shadows until the man himself arrived. She didn't have to wait for long, for Beckett strode into the room and walked towards his desk. He noticed the case that usually contained the Letters of Marque was open. As he approached it he cast a glance around the room. "No doubt you've discovered that loyalty is no longer the currency of the realm, as your father believes."

Elizabeth stepped out of the shadows, the Letters of Marque clenched firmly in her hands. "Then what is?" she asked.

"Currency is the currency of the realm." Beckett replied knowingly, as he turned to face her.

"I expect, then, we can reach an understanding. I am here to negotiate." Elizabeth remembered the lessons she and Zachary took when it came to etiquette and negotiation. While Zachary would usually manipulate the situation, resorting to force where necessary, Elizabeth was always too kind. Now, as she understood it, was not the time to be kind. Now was the time to be stoic.

"I am listening." said Beckett, in a slightly bored voice.

Elizabeth produced the pistol, aiming it directly at Beckett's head, her finger wrapped around the trigger.

"I am listening intently." he replied in the same drawl.

"You haven't raised an alarm." Elizabeth noted, by the lack of fear and soldiers in the room.

"This does not seem to be a situation I cannot handle." Beckett replied smartly.

Elizabeth laid the letters on the desk in front of Beckett, "These letters of marque. They are signed by the King but blank."

"And not valid till they bear my signature and seal." Beckett replied.

"Or else I would not still be here." Elizabeth stated.

Beckett turned to her, "and what do you think you have to offer me, young lady?" He made sure not to seem threatening, knowing that he wanted to live to see his sister one more time.

"Information. You sent Will to get you the compass owned by Jack Sparrow. It will do you no good." Elizabeth replied, using her bargaining chip as she thought Zachary would.

"Do explain." Beckett said, knowing that Elizabeth had nothing to offer him. She lowered the pistol slightly as she spoke. "I have been to Isle de Muerta. I have seen the treasure myself. There is something you need to know."

"Ah. I see. You think the Compass points only to Isle de Muerta. And so you hope to save me from an evil fate. I am afraid you are mistaken, Miss Swann. I care not for cursed Aztec Gold. My desires are not so provincial." He nodded to the large world map painted on the wall. "There is more than one chest of value in these waters. So perhaps you wish to enhance your offer-"

Elizabeth raised the pistol and cocked it. "Consider into your calculations that you robbed me of my wedding night." She gestured to the letters and watched as Beckett slowly moved to the desk and signed the document, before affixing his seal.

"So I did. A marriage interrupted- or fate intervenes? You are making a great effort to ensure Sparrow's freedom."

Elizabeth took the letters, "These are not going to Jack."

"Really? To ensure Mr. Turner's freedom, then. But what if you and Jack? And what of Zachary and Jack? And what of me? I'll still be wanting the compass. Consider that in your calculations."

Elizabeth quickly exited the office, heading for the docks, Will's words ringing through her head. "I'll start off in Tortuga."

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