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Blair ran through the hospital doors, frantically looking for her friends. To her luck, she was surrounded by strangers; people she'd never seen before.

To those strangers, she probably looked insane. Her white blouse was covered in blood, however, it wasn't only hers. Her face was sticky from all the sweat, along with ash stains covering her body. Her normally well-kept hair was in shambles, sticking to the sides of her face.

"Ma'am, are you hurt? Do you need assistance?" A nurse timidly approached her.

"Uh, I-" Blair couldn't form a proper sentence. Her breathing was staggered, her lungs screaming from not getting enough air.

"Ma'am?" The nurse asked again.

"Blair Addams. I'm-" She paused, trying to regain her composure. She hadn't heard any updates since the incident.

Blair took a deep breath, trying to calm herself, "Blair Addams. I'm an FBI agent with the Behavioral Analysis Unit. I believe one of my colleagues was taken here?"

"Here, come with me, we'll get you signed in at the front desk," the nurse ushered Blair across the floor and to the check in area.

"Name?" The receptionist asked.

"Blair Addams, I- I'm with the FBI," Blair repeated, beginning to grow impatient. She needed to know if her friends were okay.

"Identification, please."

Blair patted her sides, realizing she didn't have anything on her. Her badge must have fallen off while she was running, and her phone was completely missing in action.

"Shit," she grumbled, "You have to believe me, please! Aren't the other agents here?"

"Yes," the receptionist started, "Unfortunately, I cannot allow you upstairs without some sort of identification. Sorry, sweetheart."

Blair huffed a loud breath of air as she walked away from the desk. She paced back and forth, anxious as ever. She needed to know how her team was, she was worried sick. She had no way of contacting them, and clearly she wasn't getting upstairs anytime soon.

She sauntered over to the seating area and took a seat. Not allowing herself to relax, her butt sat on the edge, daring to fall off. Her knee bounced up and down as her feet rocked repeatedly. Her hands were clasped, forming balls of sweat in her palms.

After was felt like an infinity of waiting, she heard a familiar voice call her name.

"Addams!" The voice shouted. Blair looked up to see Derek in the center of the hospital lobby.

She sniffled, "Oh, my god," She whispered to herself, feeling relieved to know at least someone was okay. She immediately rose and sprinted over to him, hugging him tightly and burying her face in his chest.

"Hey, hey, it's alright," Derek cooed, rubbing the back of her head.

"You're okay," Blair whispered. She repeated the sentence, trying to reassure herself.

"Yeah, I'm okay, why don't you come upstairs?" Derek suggested, pulling apart from their hug.

"I can't. I don't have my badge," Blair told Derek, adverting her eyes from him. For some reason she couldn't bring herself to look him in the eye.

He nodded and forced a smile, he'd never seen Blair in this state before; so vulnerable and open to her emotions. Of course he understood, giving the circumstances they were in.

"I'll go talk to them," he stated before walking off to the front desk, leaving Blair alone.

Blair paced the floor, trying to wipe the tears falling from her eyes. If she was going to see her team, she couldn't act like this.

Derek came back over and grabbed her hand, "It'll be okay, let's go."

The two made their way to the elevator and up to the proper floor. Derek wrapped his arm around her shoulder, reminding her he was there.

As they entered the waiting room, Penelope and JJ ran up to them, engulfing Blair in a full bear hug.

"Oh, thank god," JJ sighed.

Blair felt her body relax in the arms of her friends. That is, until she realized there was only two of them.

She quickly pulled apart, grazing her sleeve across her eyes to push the tears that were threatening to spill once again, "Where is everyone?"

They looked at each other, then to Morgan, then back to Blair.

Before anyone got the chance to speak, a doctor approached the group, "Are you the FBI agents?" He asked.

They all nodded, hoping to hear good news.

"Is he going to be okay?" Blair asked, biting her lip. She was struggling to hold it all back.

"Please, you should probably sit down for this."

Blair's heart dropped down to her stomach, making it flip again and again.

The doctor sat down across from the four, who were now gripping each others hands tightly.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, we couldn't save him," The doctor began to explain, but that was it.

Blair didn't hear the rest. It felt like her heart had been ripped out and shattered into thousands of pieces. She didn't care about anything else anymore, she allowed the tears to plunge from her face and a loud sob escape her mouth.

It was all her fault.

And she, and the remaining members of her team knew it as well.


A/N: YOOOO welcomeeeeee

Just for clarification, this was just a snip it of something that comes later. The next chapter will take place before this 'incident', and eventually this prologue will be repeated in another chapter. I hope that makes sense, and if it bothers anyone I apologize.

Also, chapters will definetly be longer than this, I didn't want to go into too much detail right now, since it is only the prologue.

Anyways,  I hope this gets you excited for Losing Game!!! Love you all<3 -A

Losing Game |Aaron Hotchner| Where stories live. Discover now