05: The Fire

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The Fire

TW// Death & Gore (Anything that would normally be mentioned in an episode of Criminal Minds)

In This Shirt by The Irrepressibles
"I am lost in a rainbow
Now your rainbow is gone
Overcast by your shadow
As our worlds move on"

In This Shirt by The Irrepressibles"I am lost in a rainbowNow your rainbow is goneOvercast by your shadowAs our worlds move on"

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Against Hotch's orders, Blair entered the burning building. The team continued to shout from behind, attempting to stop her.

"Help us, please!" The woman who was previously pounding on the window shouted. She was now linked to the foot of the couch, her arms restrained behind her. Next to her was her husband and three foster children. They were all unable to move, being hooked to the various living room furniture.

The air was growing thicker by the second, and Blair knew she had little time to save the family. Quickly glancing around, she noticed the unsub was no where to be seen.

"The children! Save the children first!" The father pleaded, snapping Blair into reality. She hastily ran over to the closest child, untying the rope from behind her back.

"Go! Run!" Blair demanded. The little girl ran out the front door. Blair moved onto the next screaming kid, untangling the ropes behind his back as well, then he followed his sister. The room was barely visible at this point, and it was beginning to grow hard to breath.

Coughing, Blair stood, trying to navigate her way through the thick air to the final child. Before she could, she was spun around to face the unsub, Jacob Larder. He swung, knocking Blair slightly. The smoke created a literal fog in her brain, faltering her motions. She went to grab her gun from the holster, but he immediately knocked it out of her hands, causing a bullet to strike the wall, and sending the gun across the room.

Blair fought back the tears daring to surface from the stinging smoke. She threw an elbow to his chest, before another to his nose. This time Larder stumbled backwards, but instead of fighting back, he ran out the glass door located in the back of the house. Blair wanted to run after him; to stop him, but she knew she had to save the rest of the family.

The house was almost completely on fire now. The parents and final child continued to scream, imploring for help. Blair could feel her lungs begging for clean air and her throat closing, but she pushed through the smoke, returning to the family. She unintentionally held her breath, untying the child, then the mother.

"Thank you, you've saved our lives," the mother cried.

"Please! There's no time, get outside, now!" Blair shouted, her voice already growing rasp, before moving to the father. The mother and daughter exited through the open front door, where numerous sirens could be heard.

As soon as they exited the front door, the ceiling caved, collapsing in front of the closest exit. Blair gasped, looking up and seeing the rest of the ceiling about to fall down with it.

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