17: The Truth Serum

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The Truth Serum

TW// Mentions of alcoholism

I Lost a Friend by FINNEAS
"I know I'll be alright, but I'm not tonight
I'll be lying awake counting all the mistakes
Replaying fights
Because I lost a friend"

I Lost a Friend by FINNEAS"I know I'll be alright, but I'm not tonightI'll be lying awake counting all the mistakes Replaying fightsBecause I lost a friend"

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One month later

Although the past month had been full of extreme, awkward tension, Hotch and Blair managed to stay civil. Things finally returned to normal. To the state of when Blair first joined the team years ago. Everyone was just a colleague, and Aaron was just her superior. There was no more going out with the team for drinks, no more bonding. Everything was strictly work related. Aaron toned down the arguments for her sake, but Blair was oblivious to the fact that he was still trying.

On the outside, it seemed Blair was coping well. To an innocent bystander that didn't know her life, Blair appeared perfectly normal. A normal girl working for the FBI; but that was far from the truth.

Blair never coped well. Convincing herself she was fine, Blair drank her feelings away. She wasn't an alcoholic, no, but she did enjoy a drink nearly every night to help her sleep. Without it, her thoughts would overwhelm her, preventing her from sleeping at all.

Tonight was one of those nights. Finishing up their case in Lake Worth, North Carolina, the team returned to their hotel rooms for the final night. They had solved the case, but it was too late to return to Quantico.

Blair removed the alcohol from the mini bar cart located in her room, beginning another one of her typical nights; drinking the pain away.

Meanwhile, unbeknown to Aaron and Blair, the rest of the team gathered in Emily's room.

"We need to talk about Blair," she started with a sigh. The entire team had noticed her change in behavior over the past month. From a friends standpoint, it wasn't difficult to see the recent switch. After all, they were profilers.

JJ nodded, "I agree, she needs help. She's been through an extreme amount of trauma in the past months, and she's not taking it well."

"Statistically, fifty four percent of people struggle to find grief resources. Blair falls under that category," Reid noted.

Emily chuckled, "Thanks for the statistic, genius."

"Well, how can we help her then? Send her to therapy? We all know there's no way she'd agree to that. She's too stubborn," JJ added.

Emily sighed, knowing JJ was right.

"She wouldn't talk to a therapist, even if Hotch ordered a psych eval. She's closing herself off. I mean, come on, I can't be the only one who noticed the hangovers nearly every day," Morgan spoke, stroking his goatee with his fingers, as if in thought.

The whole team nodded in agreement.

"They need to talk," Emily spoke up after a brief moment of silence.

"Who?" Spencer asked.

"Hotch and Blair."

"Do you really think that would help? I don't want it to start anymore unnecessary trouble," Morgan noted. It wasn't that he didn't want to help Blair. It was opposite of that actually, he was just worried Hotch would act out on his condensed emotions he'd been holding for so long.

"It will definitely help," Rossi spoke for the first time in the hotel room, "The only people who don't know Aaron loves Blair, are Aaron and Blair."

After an hour or so of drinking, Blair found herself stumbling down the halls of the hotel. Her feet weren't connecting to her brain, going wherever they please.

She sighed as she stared at the wooden door located in front of her; Aaron's door. What was she doing here? She tried to convince herself to turn back before she made a fool of herself, but her hands had a mind of their own. Next thing she knew, she was sending three gentle knocks across the door.

Confusion struck across his face as soon as he opened the door, laying eyes on Blair, "Addams?"

"Hi," Blair answered innocently.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, taking in her muddled appearance.

"Well, you see, I am quite drunk," the words exited her mouth so freely, she wasn't exactly sure what she was saying herself.

"I can see that," he responded with a slight chuckle, but that was quickly washed away when he spoke again, "On a case?"

"That is your wrongdoing," Blair joked, pointing at the man in front of her.

Again, Aaron chuckled, finding Blair's drunk state amusing, "How so?" It was as if he forgot everything that had happened over the course of the past month. For a brief moment, everything seemed natural.

"You are really stupid, you know that?" Blair slurred.

And just like that, everything returned, Aaron remembering the woman in front of him, his ex girlfriend, hated him.

"I did a terrible thing, Aaron. I'm losing all my friends. It's all my fault and they hate me for it," Blair was shocked at the words releasing from her mouth, but she couldn't stop them. The truth was already out.

"Jo, it's not your fault. None of this is your fault. I promise you won't lose me," he reassured, wanting to comfort her with his touch, but he didn't want to overstep.

"But you're not my friend," Blair huffed.

Aaron frowned, crossing his arms, "Yes I am."

"No. You're my ex boyfriend who admitted to still loving me months ago and I did nothing about it even if I felt the same way." Once again, Blair's mouth had a mind of its own. The alcohol acting like a truth serum.

Aaron remained silent, not wanting to push on what she just said. Was that her way of admitting she still loved him?

"You know what, this was a mistake. I shouldn't have come," Blair spoke hastily, before turning to walk back to her hotel room, not giving Hotch a chance to stop her.

Aaron stood in his hotel doorway, more confused than ever on his relationship with Blair Addams.

Entering her hotel room, Blair jumped into bed. She felt like a fool. Why did she just say that? That was not her intention of going to Hotch's room. But then again, what was her intention?

The alcohol created a fog in her brain, only complicating everything even more. She fell fast asleep, not allowing the thoughts of love to resurface.


A/N: Okay so when I first mapped out each chapter for this book, I don't think I took into account how short some of them would be. I want to continue with the amount of chapters I have, so I won't be combining any of them, meaning some shorter chapters. I apologize if anyone isn't a fan of that.

Again, I promise things will start looking better for the couple very very soon! I hope you enjoy so far :)

Post A/N: lol moved back to college and completely forgot about this book. I hate this book with a passion. I hate criminal minds and am embarrassed of my phase LOL. Anyways, for the like 10 readers on here I'll just post the rest of it heh enjoy I guess

Word count: 1196

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