01: Routine

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Tw// Gore, anything typically mentioned in an episode of Criminal Minds. The beginning of this chapter holds an original case!

First Day Of My Life by Bright Eyes
"But I realized I needed you
And I wondered if I could come home"

First Day Of My Life by Bright Eyes"But I realized I needed youAnd I wondered if I could come home"

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"FBI!" Blair shouted as Derek kicked down the door to the unsub's home. It was their routine; the acts they would execute on every case. "Darrell Fogle, show yourself!"

The rest of the team followed them into the empty house. They each took a room, shouting the occasional 'clear' when they couldn't find Fogle.

"We know you're here, Darrell. Might as well come out now," Morgan taunted.

As Blair entered the final bedroom, she found the unsub awaiting her arrival. Her teammates, Cooper, Morgan, Hotch, and Prentiss quickly filled in around her. Each one of them had their gun at the ready. Standing closest to Fogle, Blair pointed the gun directly at him, making sure to aim away from the woman in his arms.

"Drop the gun, Darrell. It's over," Blair demanded. He tightened his grip around the victims body while pressing his gun to her temple, causing her to scream. The team wanted to just reach over and help the woman, but they knew Fogle had other plans.

"No! She get's what she deserved! Just like the rest of them!" He roared as he moved his finger to the trigger of his gun. Blair saw his advances,


Fogle's body collapsed to the ground. Hotch and Morgan exited the bedroom and made their way to inform SWAT they weren't needed any longer. Prentiss ran over to the victim, comforting her and making sure she was alright. Blair walked over to the body now lying in front of her. She quickly checked for a pulse, noticing it was absent. She had killed the unsub. Normally she would feel slight remorse, but in this case, all she felt was satisfaction. Satisfaction that the serial rapist and murderer was gone. Dead.

Cooper approached her from behind, putting a hand on her shoulder, "You okay?"

"Surprisingly, I feel nothing," she shrugged.

He nodded, "Good, because you deserve this."

She cocked her head to the side, furrowing her dark eyebrows, before Cooper could throw a playful punch against her forearm.

"What was that for?" Blair jokingly whined as she pretended to be in pain, rubbing her perfectly fine arm.

"That was my shot!" He complained.

Blair scoffed, "In your dreams, Coop!" The two friends laughed as they made their way out of the bedroom. Forensics would be in soon to clean up their mess.

"Hey, nice shot, Addams," Prentiss gave a congratulatory high five as they joined the rest of their team in the living room.

"You shot him?" Rossi asked, not surprised.

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