02: Platonic Soulmates

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Platonic Soulmates

TW// Mentions death

Lean on Me by Bill Withers
"When you're not strong
I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on"

Lean on Me by Bill Withers"When you're not strongI'll be your friendI'll help you carry on"

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Blair quickly drove home from Aaron's. They only lived about fifteen minutes apart, headquarters being right in between. When she arrived, she quickly ran up the stairs of her apartment building, opting not to wait for the elevator. She unlocked the door and stepped into her tiny shoebox.

Her one bedroom apartment may have been small, but it was home. She had to admit, it wasn't the nicest of places, but when she first moved to Quantico, it was all she could afford. Hotch continuously told her the security on the building was terrible; another one of his many excuses to get her to move in with him. Blair just couldn't bring herself to sell her apartment.

After a quick shower, she quickly got ready for her day with Riley. She threw on a black cami with a loose, knitted sweater overtop, along with a pair of dark jeans on the bottom. She headed out the door and sent Riley a text,

Blair Addams {11:27 AM}: Hey, I'm on my way. Same spot as always?

Riley Cooper {11:28 AM}: You bet, see ya soon.

She drove off to the coffee shop just down the street from her apartment. She ordered her normal order, a honey almond milk cold brew, and Riley his, a hazelnut Bianco latte. The two were complete opposites, even in their coffee orders. It was hot vs cold, innocence vs resilience.

She pulled into the local park they always met at, seeing Riley's car already stationed in the lot. She parked next to him, grabbed their drinks, and hopped into the passenger seat of his car.

"Hey! How was your morning?" He asked as she got in.

"Really good! How was yours?"

"Eh, same old, same old. Didn't do much," he shrugged.

They sat in his car and continued to converse, sipping on their coffees and enjoying each other's company. They did this almost every Saturday. It started when Blair first joined the bureau. They weren't always this close, Riley could just tell there was something about Blair; something intriguing. It was his mission to get close with her. His mission to help her. His mission to protect her.

After months of slowly getting to know Blair, Riley quickly discovered her 'bad-ass' front, was quite frankly, just a front. She felt she had to put up the facade because of her tough upbringing. Blair hadn't always had a messy relationship with her family. Most of her childhood was normal; a happy, loving family. That is, until Blair was nine. She never expected just one day to change her entire life.

On July 6th, Blair's mother had passed away, leaving behind nine year old Blair, her father, and Blair's fifteen year old brother, Vinny. Or, one could say leaving behind just Blair and Vinny. Their father practically died then, too. He never recovered, turning to alcohol instead. Their mother's body was buried six feet under, while their father's was above ground, glued in front of a televisions screen, beer bottle in hand.

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