18: Sexual Tension

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Sexual Tension

Not Over You by Gavin DeGraw
"And I thought you were innocent
But you took this heart and put it through hell
Yet, still you're magnificent"

Not Over You by Gavin DeGraw"And I thought you were innocentBut you took this heart and put it through hellYet, still you're magnificent"

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The team had returned home to Quantico, Virginia early the next morning. Since it was a Sunday, Hotch immediately sent everyone home, giving them the day to themselves.

Blair was more than grateful, she needed a day to recover from the massive hangover she was fighting. She also wanted to be as far away from Hotch as possible. The jet ride wasn't awkward, for she slept the whole ride home, helping both of her situations.

Now, Monday, Blair's heels clanked across the black asphalt on the parking lot of the BAU building. Her messenger bag strapped across her side, accompanied by a cup of coffee in her hand.

Feeling refreshed this morning, Blair felt confident. A sense she hadn't felt in a while. Maybe it was from not drinking last night, or that she slept nearly the whole day. Besides the fact, Blair decided on a tight pencil skirt that showed her butt off perfectly. Her top consisted of a simple blouse, with the top few buttons left open. And of course, to top off the look, Blair's signature high pony tail had made its comeback. Her loose, natural waves swinging as she stepped. As she strutted into the building, Blair felt satisfied with herself for today, the thought of Aaron not once crossing her mind.

That is, until the elevator doors were about to close and a, "Hold the elevator, please!" was heard.

Blair groaned aloud as Hotch stepped in. Of course he didn't realize it was her inside the elevator. If he knew, he would have stuck with the stairs, just for her sake.

Silence struck as they rose the first two floors before Hotch spoke up, "You look nice today."

Blair didn't answer, not wanting to say the wrong thing and ruin her mood for the day.

Feeling fed up with everything going on, Hotch pulled the elevator lever, bringing their journey upwards to a halt. "Listen, I'm trying to be nice here. I apologized - multiple times, you're the one who came to my hotel room two nights ago confessing your love to me."

Blair chuckled, almost in an annoyed tone, "I was drunk." She tried to pull the lever again, to allow them to keep moving, but Aaron had other plans. Grabing her wrist firmly, he stopped her from flipping the switch.

"Do you?" He asked, raising his eyebrows and lowering his gaze to meet her eyes. His direct stare awaiting for an answer.

This time Blair adjusted her eyes up to his. The height difference creating an extreme distance, yet it was the perfect distance. "Do I what?" Blair answered flatly. She knew exactly what he was asking, she just didn't want the words to escape; sober this time.

The tension in the elevator only grew as the two stared deeply into each others eyes. Each challenging one another's dominance, awaiting an answer. With his grip still on Blair's wrist, he pulled her closer, their noses almost touching. Aaron spoke again, lowering his voice, "I asked you a question."

The next thing Blair knew her lips were attached to his, their mouths moving in sync; tongues fighting for dominance just as their eyes were doing before.

The kiss was hot and aggressive. No words were spoken as he immediately dropped his brief case, his hands making their way behind her neck, as if they were meant to be there. He pulled her closer and they continued the passionate kiss.

They each deepen the kiss, with a fervent urgent need neither of them knew they needed. Aaron pushed Blair against the elevator wall, her back arching at the touch of the cold metal bar.

The intense, erotic kiss lasted what felt like an eternity, neither of them wanting to let go, not knowing when they would taste one another like this again.

After placing Blair against the wall, Aaron pulled the lever, causing them to move upwards again.

As if perfectly timed, Blair pulled away as the doors opened, "Does that answer your question?" She asked with a smirk across her face, leaving the elevator. Aaron licked his lips as he picked up his brief case and followed behind her, watching her sway her hips with confidence. He sped up, grabbing the glass door handle to the BAU bullpen and holding the door open for her.

But as soon as they stepped into the bullpen, Hotch's work demeanor returned. It was as if the elevator was some midway point between a work relationship and life. I mean, what happens in the elevator, stays in the elevator, right?

They split, Blair walking to her desk with a slight pep in her step. Whatever just happened, Blair was not complaining. As a matter of fact, in the moment, everything felt so right; so perfect.

"Woah! Who you showing off for, mama?" Morgan teased as Blair sat down at her desk, pulling her back from cloud 9 and into reality.

"You sure are smiley," Emily pointed out, wiggling her eyebrows repeatedly.

"Just in a good mood, that's all," Blair quipped, unable to remove the smile from her face.

"Come on, spill," Emily begged, "Don't think we didn't notice you and boss man coming in together."

"Are you kidding?" Blair laughed, "That was not intentional. We did not come in together."

Morgan and Emily were glad to hear Blair's laugh. It brought smiles to their faces seeing her genuinely happy for what felt like the first time in months.

Reid listened to the conversation occurring next to him as he pretended to read the book in his hands, he too had noticed Blair and Hotch's arrival, but he would never tease her about it, unlike his colleagues.

The two continued to pester, asking questions Blair didn't even know the answers to. She attempted to ignore them, but once she tried to start the work in front of her, nothing came to mind other than the feeling of her lips against Hotch's.

Meanwhile, in his office, Aaron sat at his desk, thinking of the events that had just occurred. He wasn't expecting Blair to kiss him. He wasn't expecting anything at all really, but he most definitely was not complaining. He couldn't concentrate on his work, the scene from the elevator replaying in his head on repeat. Only he could admit, he would never be over Blair Addams.


A/N: Agh, yet another short but important chapter! Again, I apologize if you think the chapters are becoming too short, I'm not one for a lot of filler information, so I try to stick to the point of the plot idk.

Anyways, things are finally beginning to look up for Hotch and Blair!! Yay, I think? Lmao, lmk what you guys think! Love you all<3 -A

Word count: 1174

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