11: Losing Game

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Losing Game

TW// Gore (Anything normally mentioned in an episode of Criminal Minds), HELLA ANGST- just wait. PS- warning you now, this chapter is really long, but please bare with me, as A LOT happens towards the end!

This chapter includes events from season 1 episode 8: Natural Born Killer, but again some characters will be replacing lines of others, and I did switch some events around:)

Arcade by Duncan Laurence
"I've spent all of the love I saved
I got addicted to a losing game"

Arcade by Duncan Laurence"I've spent all of the love I saved-I got addicted to a losing game"

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"We've got a case," JJ emerged from her office, holding up a thick manilla folder.

The rest of the agents including Addams, Morgan, Prentiss, and Reid stood from their desks in the bullpen, following JJ to the conference room. They took the same seats as last weeks case, before Hotch and Rossi entered the room.

Aaron flashed Blair a look of regret, only causing her to dramatically roll her eyes before looking down at the tablet in front of her.

"Baltimore PD has seen some grizzly stuff, but never anything like this," Garcia started, "We got two bodies, ID'd as William and Helen Dimarco. Retired, lived in Baltimore for thirty-seven years, no kids. Neighbor reported a white male twenty to forty years old fleeing the scene, and I quote, 'Hopped up on those damn drugs.'"

"Eye witness accounts are notoriously unreliable," Reid stated.

Garcia then turned on the TV behind her, looking away from the images of the dead bodies, "The images should be on your screens." With the click of one button, the images from the screen were now on everyone's tablets.

"Massive overkill," Morgan pointed out.

Prentiss picked up, "Helen has no defensive wounds, ligature marks around the wrists, and one clean laceration from ear to ear. Probably carotid."

"Yeah, well, William wasn't quite as lucky," Blair mumbled not looking up from her screen, "Ligature marks on the wrists and ankles, and one long laceration up the abdomen through both layers of muscle. Helen was gone quickly, but William suffered."

"Evisceration- that's typical of disorganized behavior," Reid added.

"Despite all the blood, this crime scene shows method, order, control. I'd say it's pretty organized," JJ suggested.

"Wheels up in twenty," Hotch announced as he rose from his seat, leaving the room.

After a thankfully short and awkward jet ride, the BAU team arrived in Baltimore, Maryland. They canvassed the crime scene, getting a few bits of new information here and there. When they returned to the local station, the agent in charge of organized crime, Josh Cramer, requested they leave, saying he had everything under control.

Losing Game |Aaron Hotchner| Where stories live. Discover now