20: Foreboding

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Fearful apprehension; a feeling that something bad will happen

TW// Gore (Anything that would normally be mentioned in an episode of Criminal Minds)
This is an original case, but some dialogue will be based off of season 5 episode 2: Haunted. Some characters will replace others' original lines.

Run Boy Run by Woodkid
"Run boy run!
Tomorrow is another day,
And you won't have to hide away"

Run Boy Run by Woodkid"Run boy run!Tomorrow is another day,And you won't have to hide away"

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A week had gone by of nothing. No calls, no random hookups. It was awkward between Blair and Aaron at work. It wasn't the typical awkward however, they weren't angry. It was a new feeling of forbidden romance. Knowing the two held deep feelings for one another and doing nothing about it wasn't easy. He wanted to give her the time she needed to understand what was going on between the two of them. He respected her privacy.

Now, a Tuesday afternoon, the team was all in their respected areas. The members with offices seated behind closed doors, and the other members in the bullpen at their desks.

That is, until Hotch emerged from his office, "We have a case. Everyone in the conference room in five," he announced.

Not even minutes later, the team was gathered together for the briefing. Due to the case being local in Alexandria, Virginia, the team luckily didn't have to travel.

"Multiple bombings in a highly populated neighborhood. He started with a local gas station, then went to family homes," Garcia started, pointing the remote to the screen behind her, images appearing of each of the buildings. "Luckily the station was closed, so no one died at our first site. First family was the Howards, mom and dad were the only ones home at the time, leaving daughter, Lindsay, now in the hands of her aunt. Our latest victims are the Duncans. Family of four, all killed in their sleep."

"Why would he bomb a gas station with no one inside?" JJ asked.

"Alright, so he built a test bomb for the gas station, then perfected his method before moving onto his murders," Morgan implied, seeing if the rest of the team agreed, which they did.

"The Howards and Duncans had nothing in common," Blair pointed out, viewing the family files on her tablet in front of her.

"Yeah, the Howards were a blue collar family, working in the field, while the Duncans were white collar," Prentiss added, finishing Blair's sentence.

"Statistically, white collar crime makes up just over three percent of overall federal prosecutions yearly," Reid nodded with a proud smile on his face. The rest of the team continued, used to his random bursts of information.

"Right, so he must have a list," Rossi added, "There's no way he picked these families at random."

"Do we think he's targeting the families themselves or the neighborhood?" JJ asked.

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