22: The Declaration

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The Declaration

Can I Be Him by James Aurthur
"Could I be the one you talk about in all your stories?"

Can I Be Him by James Aurthur"Could I be the one you talk about in all your stories?"

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Three weeks later

Aaron hadn't returned to work since the incident, nor had he talked to a single team member. At the hospital he requested no visitors, not even Blair, which she was regretfully informed after staying in the lobby the first night.

He wasn't doing good. It wasn't even his injuries, those were minor as he had been outside of the house when it exploded. He was more mad at himself for scaring his team; for scaring Blair. Past that, he was mad at what their relationship had become in the past months. He felt guilty for leading her on, treating as if unworthy of real love. He missed her. He needed her.

3:00 am- the time for deep thoughts. Aaron sat, wide awake, thinking of his numerous mistakes. He wondered what Blair thought, how she felt after he ghosted her for weeks upon weeks. Little to his knowledge, she felt the same. The feeling of longing to be held in one another's arms.

Blair too lay awake atop of her comforter, watching the ceiling fan spin in circle after circle. It was as if the morning hour called their name, both climbing out of bed at the same time, seeking the same adventure.

Blair nearly jumped off the bed, the adrenaline rush running through her bones. She wasn't tired, quite opposite of that. Full of energy, she threw on her parka, intending to head out her door. When she opened her apartment door, she quite literally jumped back from the sight in front of her.

"Aaron?" She asked, seeing him standing in her doorway, the same look of shock on his face. "What? I was just about to- What are you do-" She began to stutter, not being able to form a complete sentence before he interrupted her by cupping her cheeks and smashing his lips against hers. It was a quick, yet wistful kiss.

"I love you!" He blurted when pulling away. "You're it for me. I- I've been too blind to see it. It's you, Jo, it's only you."

Blair was taken aback, "What?" She asked, an involuntary smile forming across her face.

"God, that feels good to get off my chest," he chuckled, "I've been trying so hard to repress this feeling of you, Jo, but I just can't. I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't breathe without thinking about you. I love you all the time. Every minute of every day, I love you." Blair's heart fluttered and butterflies poured throughout her stomach as he declared how he felt, but he wasn't even close to finished.

"Loving you changed me forever. You changed me for the better. You saved me from the lowest point in my life, and at that moment-" he paused, "At that moment I knew you were the one for me. The moment you walked into the room, you had me- had my heart. I love how you're so loving but so witty and sarcastic. I love the way you show your confidence through a simple pony tail. I love you because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. And I want to start my life over with you, Blair Addams. Because to me, you are perfect," he finished his speech, almost shocked at the words escaping from his own mouth.

Blair stood, staring back at the man she felt the same way about, speechless to say the least. Tears welled in her eyes, overwhelmed with the amount of love she felt for him.

"Please tell me you feel the same way," he asked softly, taking a step towards Blair.

She didn't respond, only closing the minimal gap by connecting their lips. They moved in sync, the sparks of love and romance spilling into the air surrounding them. Their hands copied each other onto one another's faces, holding them in place, unable to move.

This kiss was different than all the ones from the random night calls. This kiss was full of affection, infatuation, pure romance, pure love. Love for the couple that was meant to be together till the end of time.

Pulling apart, Blair breathlessly responded, "I love you too, Aaron," with a giddy smile on her face. Eagerly grabbing his wrists, she yanked him inside of her apartment where they smiled through numerous more kisses, showing how much they really loved each other.

Lying in bed together, they faced one another, their height difference making an appearance as Hotch rested his chin against the top of Blair's head. Hugging and stroking the back of her hair lovingly.

"You really had to do that at 4 am?" Blair chuckled, reminiscing on his speech.

"What, it's not like you were busy," he chuckled. They both shared a laugh, feeling their chests bounce as they touched. Letting the curiosity get the best of him, he asked, "Where were you going anyways?"

Blair laughed once again, moving her head to look up at his eyes, "Oh, you know, just to tell you how much I love you," she kissed him gently, caressing the side of his cheek, bringing a smile to his face, being in the arms of his love.

They lay together, finally feeling contempt with life. Feeling as if everything over the past year never occurred, everything was meant to be.

Although their love was a never ending game, they didn't mind losing every once in a while. They didn't mind playing the losing game of their relationship, because they knew they were bound to be together in the end.


A/N: THE END WOWWWWWWW super duper short I know but idc it was cute and sappy just how every ending should be. There will be an epilogue chapter released soon! This book was for sure a journey, and i'm still not sure how I feel about it. After reading through it, I realized how short it really was, so I guess this was a short story lmao.

I hope you all enjoyed it though! I loved reading all your comments and feedback, so thank you for that! I'm going to start my third book called Dangerous soon! It will be much shorter, maybe about 10-15 chapters, only because I don't think im best with long books (as we see) So follow me for updates on when I release it! Anyways, thanks again everyone! I wish you the best in life:)


Word count: 1112

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