04: The Ignition

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The Ignition

TW// Gore, Anything that would normally be mentioned in an episode of Criminal Minds

A/N: I know I said I wasn't going to bore you with cases, but a few chapters will include them; for the plot of course. This one is loosely based off a couple eps, but it is an original case:)

"This is how I show my love
Maybe I should cry for help
Maybe I'm not listening"

Sail by AWOLNATION"This is how I show my love-Maybe I should cry for help-Maybe I'm not listening"

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The next morning the couple was awoken by the sound of Hotch's phone ringing.

"Hotchner," Aaron answered groggily. "Thanks, JJ. No, you don't have to call her," he chuckled. "We'll be there soon."

Blair groaned, knowing exactly what the conversation meant, "Where we headed this time, boss?"

He sighed, gently caressing Blair's long hair as she clutched onto his bare torso, her face resting on his upper chest. "Richmond."

Blair hugged him tighter, "Can't we just stay here forever?"

"As much as I wish we could, Jo, we've gotta get ready," he spoke, pecking her forehead before removing himself from underneath her and walking to the master bathroom. Blair huffed before standing to follow him. As she stood, she finally felt the aftermaths of the alcohol from last night. Walking to the bathroom, she groaned again as the bright lights shined.

"You better take something before we leave," Aaron stated with his toothbrush in mouth.

"Don't worry, you won't have to tell me that twice."

The two continued to get ready for the day, Hotch wearing his signature suit, and Blair wearing her signature pony tail. They ate a quick breakfast together before heading off for the day. Driving into the sunrise, Blair glanced out the window, watching the sky change shades from orange and pink to the beginnings of blue.

He parked the SUV he drove, curtsey of the FBI, and the two hopped out. They walked through the parking garage hand in hand. Blair gave it a tight squeeze before he let go, absorbing the last moments before Aaron became Hotch again.

"Round table in five," He stated before making his way to his office and Blair walking to her desk.

"Please tell me I'm not the only one with a massive hangover," Emily pleaded with a hand on her forehead.

"Oh trust me, you are not alone," Blair puffed, plopping into her seat.

"Who's idea was this anyways?" Riley asked, groaning. Everyone glared at Derek.

He threw his hands up, "Hey don't look at me, how was I supposed to know we'd have a case?"

"Speaking of, we should probably get going," JJ spoke. They all stood from their desks to walk to the conference room. After taking their seats, Garcia, Rossi, and Hotch joined them quickly after.

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