14: Secrets of the Past

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Secrets of the Past

TW// Mentions physical abuse
*Italics indicate flashback*

To Build A Home by The Cinematic Orchestra
"When the gusts came around to blow me down
I held on tightly, as you held onto me"

To Build A Home by The Cinematic Orchestra"When the gusts came around to blow me downI held on tightly, as you held onto me"

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The next day Blair awoke twenty minutes late, but she couldn't dare to care. She took her time getting ready instead of rushing out the door. As her feet hit the soft carpet below, she silently appreciated the lack of hangover. She dreaded seeing Aaron. They hadn't spoken since their breakup, and she quite frankly had no desire to. Her mind felt numb as she slowly began her morning routine.

Once she arrived, an hour late, the whole team was already there from last night, everyone in their respected areas. One specific person did catch her eye though. Even with his back towards Blair, she instantly knew it was her brother talking to Derek at his desk.

Anger fumed through her body, why the fuck was he here? Blair didn't announce her presence until she marched her way up to Aaron's office, clutching her messenger bag onto her side, and slamming the door behind her, catching the attention of the entire BAU floor.

"I guess Blair's finally here," Derek chuckled.

"You called Vinny?" She shouted, causing Aaron to jolt his head up from the work in front of him. He dropped his pen quickly, completely shocked to Blair storming into his office.

"It wasn't my idea-" Hotch began, but Blair wouldn't let him explain.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Aaron? You had absolutely no right to call him. You know about my relationship with Vinny, did you really want him to worry about our breakup? Are you that petty? Are you that childish?"

"Blair this isn't about us," Aaron sighed, not feeding into Blair's anger. Although he was physically exhausted over worrying about her, he wanted to remain calm and not spark yet another argument.

"What the hell is this about then?" Blair asked, voice still raised as she crossed her arms across her chest.

"Blair, Garcia told us about Peter approaching you last night," Hotch spoke gently, being careful with his wording.

Blair did a double take, finally remembering her drunk phone call last night. "Shit," she whispered under her breath. Aaron didn't say anything, waiting for Blair to speak up next.

As if on cue to break the silence, a knock was heard on the door before in walked Vinny.

"Now, that's no way to say hello to your brother," Vinny joked, drawing towards Blair to give her a hug. Blair remained silent, only embracing her brother she hadn't seen in over three years. He looked and smelt the exact same, yet everything felt so different- so off.

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