16: The Angel VS The Devil

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The Angel VS The Devil

Swans by Unkle Bob
"You told me that you love me
But you never wanna see me again"

Swans by Unkle Bob"You told me that you love meBut you never wanna see me again"

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One week later

Blair took a week off of work, no one needed to see the large, bruised, handprint around her neck. The day after Blair had gone to Peter, Garcia was notified he had left and gone back to his hometown across the country, meaning for the time being, Peter was no longer a problem.

Vinny stayed with Blair for an additional two days, but he too had to return to his work, leaving Blair all alone. Throughout the week, Blair cried - a lot. She truly felt she had no one to turn to.

But when her week of 'vacation time' was up, Blair was forced to push her emotions aside. Putting her tough exterior that diminished for what felt like an eternity back on, Blair strutted through the glass doors of the BAU, acting as if everything was natural.

"Baby girl, you're back!" Morgan exclaimed, approaching Blair, putting an arm around her shoulder and guiding her to her desk.

"That I am," Blair chuckled. "Just needed some time to clear my head, but I'm here now."

"I'm glad to hear it, kiddo," Rossi stated, patting her on the back.

After each of the team members greeted her return, the day consisted of boring paperwork. As much as she hated to admit it, Blair was glad to be back. The paperwork drowned out the thoughts swarming in her mind.

The day was filled of small talk, the team filling her in on the case she missed, saying they really could have used her help in the field. Blair never spoke to her boss though, he stayed locked in his office all day, and of course, just like normal, he arrived before her and left after.

When Blair arrived home, she collapsed on her couch with a huff. Acting like everything was okay all day really took its toll, but she knew she had to continue the act for her and everyone's sake.

After hours of flipping through social media apps and switching channels on the TV, Blair's phone began to ring. Seeing the name 'Aaron Hotchner' sliding across the top of her screen, she sighed, figuring they had a case at the late night hours.

"Addams," Blair answered with a slight annoyance in her voice.

"Hi, I uh," Aaron cleared his throat.

Blair's eyebrows curved inward, confusion struck across her face. Clearly they did not have a case. "Hotch?"

"I'm afraid of losing you," he stated, almost above a whisper.

"What are you talking about?" Blair answered, still confused as to what he was getting at.

He sighed, trying to form the words he always wanted to say, "It's not just because I love you. It's uh," he stumbled some more.

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