12: Haunted by the Ghost of You

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Haunted by the Ghost of You

TW// Depictions of physical abuse

I Found by Amber Run
"I missed you more than I thought I would
But I'll use you as a warning sign
Because I found love where it wasn't supposed to be"

I Found by Amber Run"I missed you more than I thought I wouldBut I'll use you as a warning sign-Because I found love where it wasn't supposed to be"

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The team stayed in Baltimore for an extra night, but Blair took the quickest flight home. Booking a one way ticket, Blair couldn't stand being in the same building as Aaron; let alone the same room as him.

She was utterly overwhelmed. What did he mean he still loved her? He was the one who broke up with her. Then he had the audacity to tell her he hated her? Could the man make up his mind?

After landing back in Quantico, Blair composed herself enough to stop by headquarters to collect some much overdue paperwork.

"You're back already?" Anderson asked, seeing Blair at her desk.

"Uh, the team is still in Baltimore. I just have some personal things I need to take care of," Blair lied.

"Oh, okay. If you need anything just let me know!"

"Thanks, Anderson," Blair smiled as he walked away, heading back to his area of the bureau.

Shuffling together the numerous manilla folders, Blair collected what she needed to complete the work at home and headed out for the night. Her heels tapped against the floor as she took the elevator down to the lobby, then out to the parking garage where her car sat. It felt almost foreign walking to her own car; she was so accustomed to going to Aaron's.

With her messenger bag draped over one arm, once her car was in view, Blair pressed the button on her keys, unlocking her car from afar. Instead of the usual click, the only sound to be heard was her heels continuously tapping against the concrete below.

Blair stopped in her tracks, taking in the silence. Glancing around her surroundings, Blair began to feel uneasy. There was nothing there; she was alone. She pressed the same button repeatedly, only to the same luck, no clicking sound to signify her car was unlocking.

Suddenly, Blair felt a presence behind her. Knowing her team was still in Baltimore, and the hour of the night, she knew it wasn't an agent. She knew exactly who it was.

"Peter," Blair greeted in the most monotone inflection she could muster. Although terrified of the man she once loved, she refused to show any signs of fear.

"Ah, Blair. I was beginning to think you forgot about me," the voice Blair never wanted to hear again made her physically shudder.

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